I found religion! Wait... don't run away! COME BACK!

Jul 09, 2013 22:06

Today has proven very intriguing for me spiritually. You can see through my journal over the years, entries showing a very sporadic journey of spirituality of various paths and even atheism. Today as mentioned in my recent entries, I mention my favorin Buddhism and Discordianism.

I also take my Discordianism (dare I say it…) more seriously(?) than many others. I tend to focus on the philosophy of it more than anything else. My take on it revolves around the view of a "philosophy/religion disguised as a joke."

Very similar in a way to a "mystery school" with much of the nonsense on the outside and if you dig deep or open your eyes, the philosophy jumps out and knocks you on your ass. It most certainly did that for me.

Also most people know the recognized "Holy Book" goes by the name:
"The Principia Discordia or How I Learned to Love the Goddess and What I Did to Her When I Found Her."
This religion and book has many critics because it had had the misfortune to get written in the 1950's, by a couple "hippies on drugs" and should not have anyone give it attention today. Supposedly it doesn't qualify as a REAL religion nor as a genuine pagan path by many.

I admit, I love the book. But can I call the Principia the "end all, be all"? No. Simply "a finger pointing to the moon." Albeit a very large and exceptional finger. Better books might exist, or could simply no longer serve a need. The message though should get recognized… admittedly I do base that on what I think that message says. Not all Discordians agree. Your mileage may vary.

All this said, I realize I have come to an odd place in my mind. As much (and it feels SO weird to say it), I FEEL that I need religion in my life. Simply saying I hold to a philosophy of Buddhism and/or a philosophy of Discordianism just doesn't cut it for me. I BELIEVE I feel the essence of Eris in my life. Even if just an archetype representing certain energies. Even if this just proves as another example of the Law of Fives at work, I can live with that. I aslo can accept that this choice of belief emanates from the subjective and limited view of my version of (small r) reality. No problem here. :-D Part of me wants to say "I worship the Goddess Eris" and mean it. Another part wants to say I acknowledge Eris within my life which would represent simply those archetypal energies I mentioned. I could stay satisfied with either.

As a Chaos Magician, Eris satisfies a need there for me. I don't NEED paradigm shifting that Chaotes have become known for (although Eris would likely accept and get a kick out of it). I could just deal with Eris alone and know contentment with my magical practice that way.

As a Discordian, I would more accurately fit the term "Erisian" which while many Discordians see no difference between the two terms, many (myself included) see Discordians as "LOLFNORD23FERNANDOPOO" type of Discordians. Erisians such as myself tend to go towards the philosophy angle quite a bit more. Oh Erisians still embrace absurdity, but not so frequently for absurdity sake. Usually to make a point. Usually.

Coming to this has made me think… even if I can't decide whether I view Eris as an actual deity or archetype (either can work for me), I think she represents my "Religion". I claim Eris as the Goddess I venerate. Discoridianism as an Erisian represents the philosophy I embrace in combination with my love of Buddhism which works quite nicely for myself personally.

If people ask, I would just acknowledge myself as Erisian or Discordian. Yes, I run the risk of people not taking that seriously and assuming I make light of religion as if I follow the Flying Spaghetti Monster or the Invisible Pink Unicorn of atheists. No, I really do acknowledge Eris as Goddess, "She What Done It All". Genuinely and truly.

Why worship the Goddess of Chaos? The Mother of Discord and Being? Well for one, Discord does not ALWAYS have to represent a negative… something to shun. Discord can produce a positive. Also called "creative order". Sometimes, it can lead to "creative disorder" just as easily and leave me flat on my face. I just call that "life". Who says the god or goddess(s/es) you worship will always do things immediately recognizable as going in your favor (if at all)?

Today I had seen a pic on Facebook that said something I think represents Discordian logic on this subject nicely:
"When something goes wrong in your life just yell 'PLOT TWIST' and move on."

Anyhow, I have let this diatribe go on long enough. In summary including things I hadn't mentioned above that I should note:
  • I had an AWESOME talk with lady_savant today who got me the best presents of my birthday
  • I found religion. Discoved God as a crazy woman who goes by the name Eris
  • Erisianism as a philosophy AND religion meshes well with my choice of magical practice
  • Erisianism meshes well with my other philosophy of choice of Buddhism
  • Although I identify as agender/genderqueer/transgender… can we just agree that our community has WAY TOO MANY LABELS!!! I mean… really? When can it end, for the love of all?! MAKE IT STOP!!!

And lastly…
  • Typing these last few posts in all e-prime except when quoting or stating titles has proven immensely challenging and very rewarding. :-D


discordianism, discordian, eris, what have i become, erisian, religion

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