Comments 2

deathlike March 25 2006, 19:57:23 UTC
Excuse me... You took my icon from my journal without permission and placed it into your Raven Sun community (icon above this comment box), or lack of crediting the person who made the icon. I would like be credited for that. Is not nice stealing someone's made graphics and other materials, which they spend time on; whether they scanned or made the materials. Yes, everything is credited goes back to original creator of the manga.


ukoku_sanzo April 2 2006, 11:21:51 UTC
yes I thiefed your plain icon. No i didn't thief it from you stupid journal. Like I said, some random person had it, and because it was the lamest thing i could find in a hurry i just used that, as i said before, as an example. You got your credit now, enjoy~ no it's not 'nice' stealing, but people have been stealing since the dawn of man, and with thousands of years of history you'd think stealing wouldn't come as a surprise to you.


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