Nov 16, 2009 17:06
So, Public servants go on strike next week and the 1970's style union leaders show that they are not to be pushed around.
Well done those guys.
Then what?
The day after the strike the Govt still doesn't have the money.
I'm not sure what they aim to achieve.
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Comments 12
Kind of like those guys who cheat on their wives and have to tell them because they feel so guilty... it's an enormously bad idea, likely to backfire and it helps no-one.
I have not one single ounce of pity for them. Oh no, I do, I feel slightly sorry for them being conned by their pathetic, pointless, vastly overpaid union leaders.
I'll have had an opportunity to say to the government "No, fuck off, this many people think you should find a fairer way, because the public service did not get you into this mess and it's not right that we've already taken paycuts and now you want more, when the people who caused the mess and who we're now bailing out to the tune of €65 billion of taxpayers' money are giving themselves a payrise."
And the day after the strike the Govt still won't have the money.
Is the public service just nurses, teachers, firemen etc?
Or is it also a hell of a lot of administrators and managers badly deployed and making up work for themselves?
"Bureaucracy expands to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy" , Oscar Wilde
Many of the newer public servants like me are on temporary contracts so we don't have job security. But, I'd feel much better if my placard said "Hang the rich b*****d's that put us in this situation and got off scott free."
You are angry.
Is striking going to achieve anything at all except make a bad situation worse?
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