[The Wolf and The Vampire] 21-25

Sep 27, 2011 22:47

Title: The wolf and The Vampire
Author: Uld Ases
Pairing: JB/EC, SC/JH, LC/AC, QA/EC
Rating: G to M
Disclaimer: I don’t own Twilight
Warnings/Squicks: M-preg (possible), Character!Death
Summary: It comes out of nowhere.
Notes: Not for Bella lovers. For the community Twi-Slash Drabble 100
Beta(s): None
Previous Chapters: 01-05 06-10 11-15 16-20
Graphics (size, and artist):

21-Like a moth to a flame
He knew it was forbidden. He has an imprint. But he didn’t care. She was too young. He loved her like a baby sister. And Embry was like a flame, warm, beautiful, controlled by all appearance but wild. And he was a moth. Embry preferred to call him a butterfly.

‘It’s most beautiful than a moth. In fact, you remind me a Question Mark Butterfly. You’ll show your underside, the plaine side, the common side, but I’m lucky enough to see the upperside.’

Later, after founding what looked like the butterfly, Quil, sadly, couldn’t saw what they had in common.

Everything in him was burning. He could understand Leah now. Well, the bitchy Leah who complained about Sam and Emily again and again. Imprinting was a curse! His jealousy made his eyes prickle with unleashed tears. Everytime, everytime, Claire was around, Embry was forgotten. He couldn’t do it anymore. He couldn’t be let in a corner to be picked when the little girl wasn’t around.

“Quil, I need to talk to you.” Quil didn’t even turn his head.

“Not now, Embry.” Frustrated, Embry took his arm and took him away to the kitchen.

“I’m burning Quil, and you don’t care...”

23-“Broke up? We were never together. You wouldn't let me get that close, remember?”
“What? What do you mean?”

“I’m done... with whatever we had. It’s too painful.”

“You broke up with me?” Embry laughed bitterly.

“Broke up? We were never together. You wouldn't let me get that close, remember? It was just fun between friends, until your marvellous imprint get old enough.” Quil’s heart beat faster. No.. He couldn’t. “I’m tired Quil. Everytime Claire is here, I’m forgotten. And I... I just couldn’t take it anymore. I want to be the first in your heart but I’m not good enough for that.” Quil rose his hand. “It’s just too painful to love you.”

The party was over and Quil laid down on his bed. Someone knocked at the door.

“Quil, darling, may I come in?”

“Of course, mum.” Joy was still a beautiful woman and Quil didn’t understand how she could be single yet. She tousled his hairs. “Mu-um!”

“You had an argument with Embry.” Silence. “I always knew that you’ll have a strong relationship with Embry but I didn’t know what sort. But I know this look. You’re heartbroken and, if I love Claire, I love you more. It’s time to go home my sweet son. Quil closed his eyes and smiled.

25-“The intention was never to have or to keep you, the intention was always to love you. And I did. And I do. And I always will.”
Embry never cried. Not when he was made fun of because he didn’t have a father, not when he argued with his mother because she didn’t know about the Pack. But tonight, it seemed endless. Quil was in the front of Embry’s bedroom’s door and could hear him crying. Without a warning, he came in.

“If it’s for make me sadder, you need to leave.”

“I’m here to apologize. The intention was never to have or to keep you; the intention was always to love you. And I did. And I do. And I always will. The imprint is broken.”

About the Question Mark Butterfly

pairing: alice & leah, title: the wolf and the vampire, pairing: edward & jacob, pairing: jasper & seth, fanfiction: english, fandom: twilight, pairing: embry & quil

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