Hey! Promised you I'd rec you some of my favorite Viggo/Sean stories:
This is just a very well-written and original AU that I have so much love I couldn't not rec it:
“A note in the Margin” by Widdershin (AU):
Part 1 to be found here
http://www.livejournal.com/users/widdershin/13979.html#cutid1 One of my absolute favorites, so fun and wonderfully hot that it now is my comfort fic of choice:
The drinking game Series by Vivi and Nienor (AU):
Part 1
http://www.ravenswing.com/~keelywolfe/guinness.html Part 2
http://www.ravenswing.com/~keelywolfe/protein.html Part 3
http://www.ravenswing.com/~keelywolfe/give.html Part 4
http://www.ravenswing.com/~keelywolfe/pickle.html beautiful story, painful at times, but so realistic::
A long journey by Cinzia:
http://www.digitalcandy.net/~cinzia/LJ1.htm the very best fluff I've ever read, sweet but not too sweet and everytime I read it it makes me smile:
On Holy Ground by Atanvarne:
http://www.livejournal.com/users/atanvarne_lj/19735.html Another one of my absolute favorite AU's, very manly men, awkwardness and just so much hotness going around in each and every one of these parts:
Shotgunning and a Vincent Black Lightning by SteffieSharpe (AU)
http://www.livejournal.com/users/sheffiesharpe/6447.html (1)
http://www.livejournal.com/users/sheffiesharpe/6723.html (2)
http://www.livejournal.com/users/sheffiesharpe/6950.html (3)
Photographs of a Vincent Black Lightning by Steffiesharpe:
http://www.livejournal.com/users/sheffiesharpe/8080.html Another Photograph:
http://www.livejournal.com/users/sheffiesharpe/9401.htmlhttp://www.livejournal.com/users/sheffiesharpe/9537.html#cutid1 very sweet, and extremely well written, or brilliant fluff *g*:
What would happen by Clocks (AU):
http://www.livejournal.com/users/clocks/33315.html#cutid1 she writes some of the best fluff out there. This is a nice example:
October 20th by Moldava (birthday fic):
http://www.livejournal.com/users/moldava/59584.html#cutid1 her stuff is always great, too bad the rest of it is down at the moment:
Bed by TNL (birthday fic):
http://www.livejournal.com/users/tnl/200714.html this is just hot. And funny too, which is always a fabulous combination:
For Gondor by Shrinetolust (PWP):
http://www.livejournal.com/users/shrinetolust/21522.html#cutid1 very well written. Some of my favorite VigBean scenes in this one:
Sleeping Beauty by Tarnished_Raven:
http://www.angelfire.com/folk/rishalin/Stories/SleepingBeautyLink.html this made me cry a little, but it is one of the sweetest most moving stories I've ever read:
The Color of Roses by Tarnishes_Raven:
http://www.angelfire.com/folk/rishalin/Stories/ColorOfRoses.html And she does AU's as well. All of her stuff is great so be sure to check out the rest. This one's very interesting:
The Knife’s Edge by Tarnished_Raven (AU):
http://www.angelfire.com/folk/rishalin/Stories/KnifesEdgeLINK.html There are several other fabulous VigBean writers out there, but they either deleted their fic, locked it or it is down temporarily. But this is a pretty good selection, and for all the authors I've recced goes the same: Most of their stuff is great, can't go wrong with reading their other stuff. These however, are my definite favorites.