The Basics of your personality.
Name/Nickname? Tess.
Gender? Female.
Age? Currently 21, but will be 22 in a month.
Zodiac? Cancer/Rat.
Would you like to be rated as a girl/boy/no matter? Would prefer a female character, but if you see an uncanny resemblance to one of the males, by all means, rate me as a guy. ^___^
Favorite color? Why? Blood red. It can be fun and morbid at the same time.
Favorite FF game? Why? FF9. I love the historical flavour to it, and the world is one of my favourites. I never tire of playing the game.
Favorite FF Character? Why? Auron. Because he's Auron. I mean, really. The man is ridiculous. Strong and silent, pulls his weight on the team, always the voice of reason, perfectly willing to put Tidus in his place [which does not happen nearly enough XP], and then you find out he's been dead the whole time. So much win in one man.
Are there any FF Characters you dislike? I was rather unfond of X-2 Yuna. Don't get me wrong, I ADORE Yuna in FFX. She is likely my favourite female FF character. But Square-Enix changed so much of her personality for X-2, it really seemed to me that they lost touch with the side of Yuna that I love. The modest, mature, grounded, spiritual Yuna. The Yuna that didn't need a man foolish, immature boy to make her happy. And I'm rambling. I'm also not much of a Tifa fan. Brash females annoy me, in general.
Hobbies/talents? Well, at this particular point in time, cosplay is my life. I attend four conventions a year [plus renn fest, gatherings, and such] and make about 7-8 new costumes for myself yearly, on top of all of the external commissions I take. I love to sew and am an artsy/material/creative person by nature. I'm into my fifth year of opera and music education study, and spend a lot of my time singing, playing piano, doing professional theatre, and such. I also love graphic design and writing. My ambition is to one day publish a historical fantasy trilogy in the same vein as Juliet Marillier's Sevenwaters books.
What are your strong attributes? I'm intelligent. Very opinionated, but not so self-confident that I will be abrasive and in-your-face about it. I have very strong morals and most people find me pleasantly demure. I'm happy living a quiet life.
What are your weak attributes? I am extremely shy in-person. Which leads to an annoying double-personality sort of thing, because I am extremely outgoing and vocal on the internet. Some people find it odd, and, well, I do too. XP I find myself constantly wishing that I could be more outgoing in-person and less vocal online, just to even things out. Aside from the shyness, I'm also a tad too emotional [I cry at the drop of a hat], have a great deal of difficulty expressing myself face-to-face, and frequently find that my perfectionism can get in the way of my creative self. I can be very down on myself, too, both with regards to my appearance and my work [sewing/writing]. Self-confidence = 0.
Optimistic or Pessimistic? Extremely pessimistic. Unless I'm trying to cheer someone up, and then I can be quite silly. Not necessarily optimistic, but silly enough to cheer them up and find humor in a "worst case scenario," should it occur.
Extroverted or Introverted? Introverted. Ridiculously so.
Confident or Modest? Quite modest.
Mature or Immature? I've been told I act twice my age at least 293289023 times.
Logical or Intuitive? Logical. I always think things through. Perhaps in a bit too much detail. I've learned the hard way that going with my gut instinct or emotions never works out the way I'd like it to.
Deeper into your personality
What are some things you love? I love fashion. I love having time to sew, be creative, and express myself through the written medium. I love my fangirl attacks and doing silly, out-of-character things at conventions. I love being complimented for my hard work on a cosplay. I love lazy summer days and taking walks at 11PM beneath a starry sky. I love living quietly. I love being hugged and held close. I love traveling and seeing new places. I love a good laugh, as well as a good cry.
What are some things you absolutely hate and despise? Peas. Weasleys. Loud women. Idiocy. Popular authors whose drab writing consists of oft-used phrases and the "same old, same old," just because they can get away with it, publish anything at all, and still make the bestseller list. Bad cosplay. PMS/cramps. Socks. Talking on the phone. Frigid temperatures.
What weapon would you use? Mmmmmdagger. Or magic.
What superpower would you have if you could only have one superpower (e.g. invisibility, mind-reading) and why? Being able to do magic would rock.
If you could be any animal, which would you be? Why? I'd want to be a bird, so I could fly.
What are a few items you just couldn't live without? My computer, namely.
Would you rather have a ton of money and power or a ton of friends and supporters? Why? Honestly, and don't think badly of me for it, money and power. As it stands, I have a small handful of friends and supporters, and they make my life wonderful. I'm not the type to need a vast social circle. So I'd rather take the money and run than have a crapload of friends. ^___^;
You find that one of your most treasured possessions has disappeared. What do you think is the most likely cause of the disappearance? I probably misplaced it. I do that a lot, hah.
You have one day (or week?) to live, how do you spend it? I think I'd want to do a lot of traveling on my own. A lot of soul-searching and alone time. I don't think I'd want friends and family around until the very end.
Are family or friends more important to you and why? My family will always be more important. They are, after all, my family.
What is your most cherished memory? Why? I honestly can't say. I've changed a lot this past year and had a lot of new experiences. Some of the things which I previously cherished [my theatrical resumé, namely] are no longer as all-important as they once seemed, and my new friendships and current relationship have left more lasting impressions.
Would you die for anything? Not likely. I value life.
What do you think you'll be doing in 5-10 years? Hopefully living. ^___^ Married, happy with my situation in life, and still doing silly things at anime conventions. That's what I'd like.
What's your favorite pairing?! Cloud/Aerith.
And which character do you think you'll be stamped as? Possibly Aerith.
Where did you hear about us? From someone else's userinfo page.
If you can, please suggest one thing (new question, question to be taken out, whatever) to make this survey better: "Logical or Intuitive?" kinda threw me for a loop. Usually the question is worded "Logical or Emotional?" I found the survey very comprehensive, otherwise.
I'm petite, pale, curvy, and have soft features. I'm a bit of a chameleon, though, as I've discovered through cosplay; can easily change my appearance using wigs and liberal amounts of makeup. I'm usually told that I look "sweet," though I'd prefer "demure."