Happiness is Limit Break-Shaped

Jul 22, 2006 17:43

The Basics of your personality.

Name/Nickname? Rebecca/Becca/Beccaboo


Age? (No one under 13, please) 18

Zodiac? Virgo

Would you like to be rated as a girl/boy/no matter? Doesn't matter :)
Favorite color? Why? Dark blue. My birthstone is sapphire and I'm betting 'the heart of the ocean' from Titanic brainwashed me in some way. So pretty.

Favorite FF game? Why? I've only really played 7 and 10 and of those 7 is definitely the better game. Better story, better characters, and I could relate to it a lot more. The characters in 10 annoy me for the most part.

Favorite FF Character? Why? I like Aerith becuase she's a good role model that can be looked up to and venerated.

Are there any FF Characters you dislike? Yuna annoys me a bit

Hobbies/talents? Music, photography, hiking, reading, writing, videogames

What are your strong attributes? Compassionate, honest, original, complex, creative, strong sense of self

What are your weak attributes? Impatient, stubborn, unfocused, short tolerance for annoyances, self-perfectionist, can't finish anything I start

Optimistic or Pessimistic? Optimistic

Extroverted or Introverted? (Outgoing or Shy) Very intro

Confident or Modest? Modest

Mature or Immature? Mature

Logical or Intuitive? Both

Deeper into your personality

What are some things you love? Animals, nature, music, art, books, candles, my religion, writing, being happy, fireworks, taking walks in the rain, autumn air, feeling important to somebody

What are some things you absolutely hate and despise? Bigots, elitists, close-minded people, when people don't take my advice, being set to a schedule, doing things I don't want to, spiders, frogs, the dark, being depressed, feeling far from grace, metal music

What weapon would you use? I'd only feel safe with a sword though I doubt I'd be able to use it well enough

What superpower would you have if you could only have one superpower (e.g. invisibility, mind-reading) and why? I'd love to have healing abilities because my life's been pretty plagued with illness and hurt (not just me but everyone around me) and I'd love to make people's lives better

If you could be any animal, which would you be? Why? A polar bear. They have such a beauty to them to make them likeable by a lot of people but they're still dangerous enough to hold their own.

What are a few items you just couldn't live without? Music, my friends and family, a diary and a camera

Would you rather have a ton of money and power or a ton of friends and supporters? Why? Friends and supporters. I only want enough money to be able to live in moderate comfort and I would be awful in a position of power. I'm too shy and reclusive to be any kind of dictator.

You find that one of your most treasured possessions has disappeared. What do you think is the most likely cause of the disappearance? It was meant to disappear in order for me to grow and change my priorities to more important things.

You have one day (or week?) to live, how do you spend it? Apologizing for all my wrongs, sorting my will out, giving as much money towards the funeral expense as possible so my loved ones aren't left penniless, praying and spending time with all my friends and family

Are family or friends more important to you and why? My family

What is your most cherished memory? Why? Probably the entire year of 8th grade. I was the happiest I had been in a years. I had great friends and my family was doing alright so...that always makes for happy.

Would you die for anything? In theory I'd die for many things; my family, friends, religion, good world cause...but if the time were to come I can't promise I wouldn't chicken out. My biggest fear is dying.

What do you think you'll be doing in 5-10 years? Hopefully being a good Christian counselor and being in love with a great guy :)

Extras...(and for all those fangirls or fanboys out there) What's your favorite pairing?! Cloud and Aerith. Tragically bittersweet.

And which character do you think you'll be stamped as? I have no idea, that's why I'm here ^_^

Where did you hear about us? keybladerating

If you can, please suggest one thing (new question, question to be taken out, whatever) to make this survey better: Hm, perhaps "If you were to make someone's life better who would you help and in what way?

Now post at least (3) clear photos of yourself. If you really don't want to post any, or don't have any, describe yourself the best you can. ^_^

Eck, I don't have a lot and these suck so, I'm sorry :- ( The bottom one is all "arg I hate you" so I apologize for that too.

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