New Years

Jan 01, 2004 22:35

It was amazing, just plain awesome. December was to make or brake my year. It made it.

-> 15 Years Ago, I:
1. was 3
2. lived in Vancouver..I think
3. my brother was born
4. How am I supposed to remember anything from that long ago?

-> 10 Years Ago, I:
1. was 8
2. lived in Orleans
3. switched from Convent Glen to Divine Infant
4. met Alex
5. played Sonic at recess

-> 5 Years Ago, I:
1. was 13
2. was very happy (I am now though)
3. Took alot for granted
4. I'm surprised I can't think...
5. ..of more things for this.

-> 3 Years Ago, I:
1. was 15
2. was in grade 10, possibly the best school year ever.
3. fell in love
4. failed grade 9 math for the second time.
5. started to loose being happy

-> 1 Year Ago,(Im talking about all of 2003 for this one not exactly a year from this point)
1. things started to make sense
2. realized many things
3. became less hard on myself
4. there was tons of drama
5. I started to remember the good

-> Yesterday, I:
1. went to Kim's new year's party
2. was told that Im my best friends best friend
3. cried out of happiness
4. put a dent in Kims wall (shhh its ver little)
5. Recieved good advice from Dom

-> Today, I:
1. woke up feeling a little drunk still
2. had breakfast made for me
3. came home at 2 ish and slept until 7-8 ish
4. cleaned my room(sort of)
5. was happy

-> Tomorrow, I:
1. will wake up
2. will think that its monday
3. go to work
4. remember that its all good
5. will PARTAY!

-> 5 Games I Like:
1. guilty gear XX
2. Chrono Trigger/Cross
3. Anything Sonic!
4. Castlevania: SotN
5. Mega Man Zero

-> 5 Things I'd Buy With $1000:
1. Id try to save it but I would probably waste alot of it on..
2. CD's/games
3. clothes
4. food
5. alcohol

-> Top 5 Musicians Lately:
1. finger eleven
2. billy talent
3. radio head
4. Pilate
5. queen

-> 3 Bad Habits I Have
1. being a tad over critical of myself
2. interrupting people
3. wow..I cant think of more?

-> Interests at the moment:
1. Final Fantasy X-2(thats TEN-TWO, not XTWO, like the movie X2!)
2. Life
3. fun
4. persons(sort of)
5. "angry music" (which makes me happy!)

-> 3 TV Shows I Like:
1. Family Guy
2. Simpsons
3. Friends(I dont watch it that much but it always makes me laugh)

-> 4 Places I've Lived:
1. vancouver
2. orleans
3. germany
4. Boston

-> My Top 3 Biggest Worries at the Moment:
1. I liked seeing this question..
2. ..because I can honestly, at this moment...
3. ... I have none

-> My Top 5 Biggest Joys at the Moment:
1. L
2. I
3. F
4. E
5. Because its all good.

My moms seems to believe that the way your new years turns out is the way your whole year will, if thats true, then Im in for the greatest year ever!
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