i'm a newbie

Nov 24, 2007 18:55

The Basics
  • Name: Angela or Angi
  • Age: 21
  • Location: Grand Forks, North Dakota
  • Relationship Status? Picture? Taken. We will have our 11 months on December 9th.

    And so it begins
    The WHO
  • Who is your best friend? Oh Gosh, that's really tough! Can you have more than one best friend? If I have to choose just one, it would be Lisa. She lives across from me in our residence hall and we have known each other for a year and a half. I run to her for everything. Jackie and Allison live on the 4th floor of our residence hall (right across from each other) and I have to admit it, they are my best friends, too. I tell Allison all my relationship problems as well as Jackie. Love those girls.
  • Who is your "idol" I really don't have a person I look up to.
  • Who is the most influential person in history? Hitler. He is the first true terrorist in my opinion. He proved that it takes one person to change the world, one person to manipulate everyone.
  • Who gave you your favorite gift that you have ever been given? My parents. I really wanted an MP3 player, but it was almost $300. Fast Forward to Christmas Eve 2005 and it was the last gift I opened. Later, I found out that they had to take out a $700 loan for Christmas gifts that year. Talk about heart breaking...
  • Who has changed your life the most (for better or worse) The UND Theatre Department and it was for the worse. I was a happy, college freshman and decided to follow my dream of becoming an actress. Well, they basically riped out my heart, teared me down, sent me into a whirlwind of depression and needless to say, I am not a Theatre major anymore. Did I give up on my dream? Yes, a little bit. But I was sick and tired of being depressed and crying all the time.
  • Who combined with you would create the most beautiful baby? Picture! 
    Samuel Barnett. The most gorgeous British Man. EVER! *Le sigh*

    The WHAT
  • What "beyond the norm" interests do you have? Um do I really have to admit that? Fine. Okay. There are these websites were you can dress on-line paper dolls and yeah, I am very obsessed with them. They are called dress up games. My favourite site is www.all-dressupgames.com. I am also obsessed with message boards (thinking about creating my own at www.invisionfree.com) and very obsessed with the movie/play "The History Boys", hence why me and Mister Barnett would make a beautiful baby
  • What do you wish you had been named? Madison Layne sounds so much better than Angela Mae. God, I flippin hate my name
  • What are 5 of the best sounding words to your ear? thunder, the music of Duran Duran, the sound of my shower head(uh don't judge me), my boyfriend whispering that he loves me and my dog barking (love that scooter dog!)
  • What is your favorite faery tale? Summarize it for us. Um, isn't fairy tale? And I really don't care for them anymore. Could I summarize the recent book I read? Please?
  • What is your favorite childhood memory? Living in Sentile Butte, North Dakota. It is a town of 75 peopl and located in the North Dakota badlands. It is were I got my first pet, a stay orange kitten named Heathcliff. That was back in 1990/1991. Want to know a secret? Heatcliff is STILL living!
  • What is the worst nightmare you remember? How bout all those nightmares I have with my boyfriend breaking up with me/cheating. I normally wake up crying....God I hate those dreams.

    The WHEN
  • When was your latest epiphany? September 24, 2007 at 3:30pm when I officially became a Communication major. No more Theatre major depression, huzzah!
  • When is your favorite time of day? I am a big fan of 1:30am. Especially in the summer time. I have no idea why, but everything feels just right. I am also a big fan of 7:30pm in the winter-tea, a good book and your doggie right beside you=sheer bliss.
  • When do you feel the most content? After a nice relaxing shower and bath, when I am curled up with my In Touches and US Weekly magazines, and a few good books while listening to Muse or Duran Duran. yeah.
  • When did you last dance around naked? Last week Tuesday. I got off of work at 11pm and realized I didn't have any class the next morning. I cranked up a little Song Number One by Serebro (Russian, yeah check them out) and proceeded to do my thang
  • When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried? Two weeks ago when Jackie, Allison, Lisa and myself went to Big Sioux cafe at 2:30 in the morning. I subconsciously ate my blueberry pancake into the letter "C". I have a pic to prove it. But seriously, who does that
  • When did you make your "greatest mistake"? Summer of 2006. I really don't care to discuss it because it brings back lots of painful memories. I stayed here in Grand Forks instead of going back to my hometown. Worst state of depression ever.

    The WHERE
  • Where was your first kiss? Airport International Inn in Williston ND. It was a guy named Chase, his aunt was marrying my uncle and well, we weren't related so yeah we made out LOTS
  • Where do you buy most of your clothes? Gordmans or Daisymaze.com, I am starting to get into Greatglam.com
  • Where do you work?UND School of Law as a library bitch
  • Where is the most ticklish spot on your body? My neck or my ribs. I hate being tickled!
  • Where do you think your greatest weakness is? Where? Is this a sex question? Not answering!!!!!
  • Where did your worst injury take place?I was washing my aunts glass blender, the water was too hot and BOOM it shattered almost cutting my finger off. I got stitches too. Oh and it happened during the summer of 06 when I was ALONE, so my friend Tyler took me to the ER. I have pictures if you want to see

    The WHY
  • Why do you exist? I am still trying to figure that out. I am hoping I am the anti-christ or something kickass like that
  • Why do you think men have nipples?(Hint:this is an opportunity to be amusing if you should so choose.) So I can give them titty twisters :D. I love giving titty twisters to my boyfriend when he sasses me
  • Why should we have nothing to fear but fear it self? OR SHOUD WE? I am scared of airplanes and dying young. That's my fear.....wait, what was the question again?
  • Why are teenagers prone to depression? Because people are TERRIBLE and mean to everyone. There is too much pressure to be the hottest/sexiest/most perfect/the best/smartest/etc......there is that mentality that "I HAVE TO BE THE BEST AND WELL LIKED OR ELSE MY LIFE ISN'T COMPLETE...GAH! Sorry, freaked out there
  • Why is the death penalty good or bad, discuss. Very personal question, that doesn't affect you or me. I was taught to keep my opinions to myself.
  • Why should or shouldn't abortion be a viable option for birth control? Again, way too personal.

    The HOW
  • How do you think some people are able to ignore a sense of compassion/mercy? IE- The Ohio woman microwaving her child to death. The take-over pilots of 9/11. The men who dragged a person to death in Texas because he was black. Wow, deep question. People are sick minded bastards. God gave us free will and some people just abuse it. It kills me some people have no compassion. Especially when it comes to animals like cats and dogs. I am very against animal abuse.
  • How do you think the US goverment compares to other governments? I am not a fan of the American government. Yet, my views are all over the place. In the end, I really don't think I am well educated on our government versus other governments.
  • How do you express yourself? By blogging, seriously, it is the only way I can really express myself. And sometimes acting, but according to my old acting teachers I was a Theatre major because I thought it was "easy".
  • How do you think you compare to the majority of people? I only compare myself to people who are skinnier than me or my boyfriend's stupid ex girlfriend. Sad, I know. It's hard not to compare yourself to people. Honestly, I never think I am good enough. For once, I just want to be better than everyone
  • How do you view death? It's in the back of my head. My cousin was killed in a drunk driving accident back in August and my father was almost killed in a pickup accident this Halloween (my daddy hit a deer). So this is a very sensitive issue for me and I try not to think about it.
  • How do you want to be viewed in life? Just please love me and adore me. That's all I ask

    The FACE
    We like to know what you look like as well as who you are. Please post
    1-2 whole body shots
    3-5 face shots
    and one 100x100 picture for the member's page, if accepted.

    Please promote to 3 different places. If you ignore this, your chances of getting in are severely reduced.
    1. http://community.livejournal.com/promote/
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    the. last. chance.
    Let them eat cake.
    What will your last words be? What!? No more White Chocolate Mochas? Ever!?

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