Who is the most influential person in history? Honestly, Martin Luther Kind Jr.
Who gave you your favorite gift that you have ever been given? My Great Grandma, she gave me something that was special to her, that I had wanted ever since I was a child.
Who has changed your life the most (for better or worse) My mom, she did what she had to do in my time of need.
Who combined with you would create the most beautiful baby? Picture! I'm a little young to be thinking about babies but,
What "beyond the norm" interests do you have? Paranormal (ghosts, afterlife), and forensic science like solving a murder or something.
What do you wish you had been named? Hannah, that was going to be my name, but my Aunt claimed it, but in the end she named her daughter Trinity.
What are 5 of the best sounding words to your ear? Sounds I like to hear? Beautiful, Love, does Laughter count?, My moms singing.
What is your favorite fairy tale? Summarize it for us. Snow White, pursued by a jealous queen, hides with the Dwarfs; then the queen changes into a ugly whitch, and feeds her a poison apple, but Prince Charming awakens her with a kiss
What is your favorite childhood memory? Going to my great grandparents house on christmas. I always had fun out on the lake they owned with them.
What is the worst nightmare you remember? Its really odd. My mother and I are driving in our really car, and we drive up to a house. My Aunt and Uncle are seperated in different cages fighting, and my whole family is just standing there watching it. I, for some reason, got into the car and drove away. I remember it being hard to drive the car, then I get home and get my baby blankey and just lay on the front porch. When they all get home they just walk right over me and lock the door. Then all of a sudden it turns into Alaska and I am getting chased by wolves and my mom is just standing there watching me. I get this dream ever so often and something new happens. Its really creepy.
When was your latest epiphany? I don't think I have ever had one.
When is your favorite time of day? Evening.
When do you feel the most content? Usually in the morning when, I'm doing my school work. I have no idea why.
When did you last dance around naked? LOL, I dance around all the time, but I don' thing I have ever been naked, maybe in my under clothes. Lol.
When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried? Yesterday. I laugh all the time.
When did you make your "greatest mistake"? Uhm I think it was in Febuary maybe April.
Where was your first kiss? On these stairs outside.
Where do you buy most of your clothes? Urban Outfitters.
Where do you work? Unemployed at the moment.
Where is the most ticklish spot on your body? my stomach.
Where do you think your greatest weakness is? My eyes?
Where did your worst injury take place? My stomach, I had a huge ovarian sis.
Why do you exist? Because my mom made it so? lol.
Why do you think men have nipples?(Hint:this is an opportunity to be amusing if you should so choose.) Because in the past boys used to have boobs, and thats why some boys still do.
Why should we have nothing to fear but fear it self? OR SHOUD WE? Uhm for some reason this really confused me. If its asking why we should have no fear, but yet we still fear, fear itself, then we fear whats going to happen more than what is happening. That probably made no sense, it sounded better in my head.
Why are teenagers prone to depression? Its a drama filled part of life. I have sever depression, and I'm medicated for it. The drama can get so bad, and the cliques can get worse and more crude. There just really isn't anything to look forward to in school if you don't have good enough friends.
Why is the death penalty good or bad, discuss. I am kinda with the death penalty. but it depends on what the person has done. If it was murder than I feel that sentencing them to life in prison is a little harsh. If it were me I would rather just be put to sleep then spend my life in there. Plus all they are going to do is just sit there with guilt. Its basically a torture punishment if you think about it. But sometimes its the other way around, someone that did something not so big, as some of the people put to death has done, are put to death when they could actually be put to a sentence in jail. I guess it all depends on the situation.
Why should or shouldn't abortion be a viable option for birth control? I didn't know it wasn't. I don't really know much about this stuff, but I don't see why it shouldn't be an option. I mean there really isn't that big of a difference. I mean I heard its kind of bad to be pregnant while on birth control (they tell you that a lot when you get prescribed to it).
How do you think some people are able to ignore a sense of compassion/mercy? IE- The Ohio woman microwaving her child to death. The take-over pilots of 9/11. The men who dragged a person to death in Texas because he was black. I think its because they are mentally ill. There has to be something, obviously, wrong with their minds to have the feeling of wanting the other one dead. I don't think that its the fact that they don't have feelings of mercy.
How do you think the US goverment compares to other governments? I really wouldn't have anything to say because I am still young and I only know whats going on in our government, but I would be glad to read about others and get back to this question.
How do you express yourself? To people that don't know me, threw my appearance. Threw people that do know me, my attitude. I am generally really funny and outgoing.
How do you think you compare to the majority of people? I am not the average, I am myself. I usually always stand out with my friends, because we are the loudest.
How do you view death? I actually give myself panic attacks about death. I just get this feeling, that I will never see my family again, and I will be alone. I just try not to think about it. I'm sure there is a way of accepting it, I just haven't figured it out.
How do you want to be viewed in life? Someone that is respectful, and respectful towards them self. I don't want to have any negative thoughts about me.
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the. last. chance. Let them eat cake. What will your last words be? If you accept me, thank you so much. And if you say No, then thank you for your time, but I am not going to change who I am. :D