Yes, I did quit. The other day an old friend contacted me and said "I haven't seen you on Flist or online in the longest time, did you quit?" I didn't really tell anyone unless me leaving would have a significant impact (Xavius my love and my Nyzul set) or they asked.
I didn't really care to do the long-winded good-bye's or "shout-outs", just pack my bags and move out! It was a good run overall, I had some good times, but it became a slow downward spiral to the point it just wasn't worth it to continue playing. As far as why I quit, simply put, I wasn't having $5,500 worth of fun and I figured better to quit by my own choosing with a big paycheck than play til they shut down the servers and leave with nothing. Not to mention with FFXIV aka FFXI Part 2 coming out, it's just a ticking time bomb.
It's kind of funny, I don't play anymore, but I have for so long it's just second nature for some people to still tell me what's going on in-game. I'll always be able to relate and get a couple laughs out of it, so thank you to the people that do that (you know who you are)!
Will I play another MMO? I really don't think so, perhaps if I can be casual about it. Being able to make plans and never have to consider "Oh crap, I'm going to miss insert event" is nice. Okay, I think that's enough about a game I've supposedly "quit". lol
For fun these days it's either movies, tv shows, or video games. I really like SF4 and I'm now pretty good if I do say so myself, although I can't seem to pull off the Shoryuken FADC Ultra with Ryu at clutch moments every time. People on there are funny as hell, you beat them once and guaranteed you will get some message saying you played cheap or dirty or whatever. Typically I get booted right away when I join a game cause my title is "Absolute Perfection" and it scares most opponents shitless and they don't even want to play. lol My PSN ID is Twilightkite if you want to vs. me!
Also, I finally played FFVII, supposedly the best one of them all it was a really good game. That game 10 years ago or however long it's been for its time would be absolutely fucking amazing. I did everything short of leveling all chars to 99 and maxing stats. Inbreeding chocobos to make a gold chocobo was a little disturbing to say the least. lol Honestly the only bad thing I'd say there is about the game is towards the end you get so ridiculously powerful, you just can't be stopped. Being able to mime Omnislash or a double summon KoTR is just too strong, even makes the weapons quite easy. And I'm sooo glad I played it on an emulator, save states are made of win!
Movies uh...whatever is highly recommended if it's old and if it's new I go to the theater. Pulp Fiction and Fight Club are some old ones I saw, both good. If I go to the theater I always see two movies for the price of one, yes I'm a bad person! It's the only way to justify $8 for a single movie, one of these days I will go for three. Most recently Transformers and The Hangover, I like them both as well.
Tv shows hmm...not too much at the moment, some anime here and there, but I can't wait til Dexter starts again!
And that's all I can think to say, this LJ was mostly an FFXI journal, but that chapter has come to a close. Every story needs an end I guess. I'll probably post again, but it just won't be FFXI related anymore! I should change my avatar...Ah well, bye!