Things I wish I didn't know

Jun 29, 2005 01:53

It's been an evening of All of this can be explained away but still has left me feeling blue.

1. Revelation Number One: My 12-year-old nephew, whom I took care of from infancy to late toddlerdom, does not think of me as his favorite aunt. My sister, who has lived in Europe for the past six years, gets that honor. I know this because she told me, after my sister-in-law told her, after, presumably, my nephew told my SIL. I know it's irrational and ridiculous to be upset about this, but after everyone left tonight, I just wanted to cry.

Instead, I made the mistake of checking my e-mail and discovered that...

2. Revelation Number Two: ...a few TwoPers/LJers object to my general demeanor on TWoP, as well as the overall tenor of the board. (This info comes from a May LJ discussion to which someone sent me the link, so it predates the recent TwoP/LJ discussions.) The particulars aren't really all that important, though I was surprised to find out what some people on my flist apparently really think of me. I don't feel like e-mailing all the individuals to defend my semi-good name, because I've found that the facts don't matter as much as the perception. You can show someone that you didn't post what they accuse you of posting, but it doesn't matter if that's how they want to see you. Plus, the whole discussion took place a month ago, which is like seven months in internetS time, so it seems weird to bring it up now.

The saddest part of this for me is that posting at TWoP isn't fun anymore - although I'm sure that news will thrill all those people whom I have apparently scared away from the board. And it's probably a good wake-up call, to realize how some people in the general fandom perceive me, to step back and see that perhaps this shouldn't all be taken so seriously. And it's not like I don't know I can be a bit rabid in my defense of a certain fictional NYPD Sex Crimes detective. Some perspective is always a good thing.

But I do resent taking the blame for the overall state of the SVU boards. If you're out there and you're reading this, and you don't like the way you think I or anyone else "rules" TWoP, just fucking post about what you want to post about. And if I've offended you in some way or pissed you off, have the balls to tell me to my face, either on the board (if you can keep it within the rules) or in an e-mail or on my LJ.

3. Revelation Number Three: George W. Bush is an ass.
Okay, that's more of a confirmation than a revelation. But still, it really can't be remarked upon enough. Or bemoaned too often.
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