Nov 23, 2008 08:44
We will be more selective, being that we already have a nice amount of makers.
But we never want to miss out on catching a gem.
Feel free to apply.
If you are interested in being a maker, please copy the code below and fill out the application.
Your application will be reviewed by myself and the other mods.
real name:
communities currently posting at:
How long have you been iconing?
What program(s) do you use?
How long have you been a member on lj? Are you very familiar with the site?
fandoms you like to iconate:
15 sample icons (IMAGES not links):
Four sample banners/headers
Do you make anything other than icons? ex textures, brushes, etc. If you do, please post a sample
How often will you post?
Will you be willing to cross-post icons here, like post your icons advertised at fandom communities? (like , etc.
Why do you want to be a maker here at ?
*plz post sample icons/banners as IMAGES, not links. Your application will automatically be rejected if you provide links!