Title: Young what?
Genre: Crack One-shot
Pairing: hosu
Rating: Pg-13
Summary: Yunho needs to learn to speak more clearly. (Sorry for the crappy summary.)
Authors Notes: This fan-fiction is dedicated to gal 12. I hope you like it, please let me know what you think, criticism is welcome. Sorry that this one took a little longer than I intended. I
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Comments 5
Hee hee, poor Yunnie, scarred for life XD
junsu is so cute XD
yunho is now scarred for life -.-
i am too TT-TT
old ladies in lacey lingerie =shudders=
Yunho as a little fangirl XDDDD~
Poor Yunho though XD
That was sweet ^^
She looked up from the yellow pages. “Is that some kind of cult?”' - HUGE LOL. CULT XDDDDDDD near enough with all these FGs ^^
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