Full Circle (TezuRyo)

Jul 08, 2007 00:25

When Echizen walks out onto Court no.2, the grass is soft and slightly damp from the rainstorm earlier that day, which broke out too suddenly for the court to be covered up in time to avoid the water. The rain has stopped falling now, although from the looks of it, the reprieve might not last longer than an hour.

It’s the second time ( Read more... )

prince of tennis, fic, pillarchallenge, tezuryo

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Comments 36

kaorismash July 8 2007, 10:33:36 UTC
Oh. I don't like Fuji much. But there are parts in this fic that make me giggle. Like that part where he's in the bathroom while Tezuka is visiting Ryoma, for instances.

I love how Tezuka gets Ryoma so excited and happy and I love how Tezuka is not a cardboard box!

What I found strange though, is that Rinko called Ryoma "darling". That, to me, doesn't sound very Rinko-ish. But that's me being picky, so pay no mind! Fuji/Nanako is not a pairing I've ever considered, but um. It's a pretty amusing thought. I don't think many people make Fuji continue on with tennis, because he lacks the drive, or he did, but this made for an interesting read. :) Thank you.

Ryoma and his Ponta. So much love. <3


umarekawareru August 6 2007, 12:29:07 UTC
I really, really love Fuji - he's so fun to write, really, and that scene when Tezuka appears out of the blue was awesome for me to write, I really enjoyed it. I'm glad you liked it too <3

Tezuka isn't a cardboard box! He's just a poker tensai! XD

Hmm, does it sound weird, the "darling"? I dunno, I thought all mothers do that kind of thing when they phone you from a different country. Or mine does. XD To be completely honest, I can't see Fuji continuing with tennis either (which is such a pity) but I've been dying to write him as a pro for a really long time, and I guess I just saw my chance here. Tee hee.

Thank you so much for reading and commenting <3


kaorismash August 6 2007, 18:03:57 UTC
I guess... he can be fun to write. Just not when he's a stereotypical sadistic tensai. XD;


Oh, maybe it's not weird at all and I'm the weird one? I don't know, it just doesn't seem like a Rinko trait to me. |D;


newtonchan July 8 2007, 11:47:30 UTC
OMG!It was just...ugh! ou really outdid yourself with this. The characterizations, the plot line, the words....brillianty written! Please keep up the good work!


umarekawareru August 6 2007, 12:30:36 UTC
Thank you so much. And OMG, what a gorgeous icon you have there <3 I am so touched by your lovely comment, really.


bookshop July 8 2007, 14:46:02 UTC

THIS IS AWESOME. will be back later with more constructive review, but for now: YAY. :D


umarekawareru August 6 2007, 12:32:34 UTC
PLEASE DO. PLEASE BE BACK LATER, AJA. Because you know, my mother sent these reviews to me so I could read while I was in England and Internet-less, and I was so so happy. I love this review, and I want that constructive one as well, please, before you leave LJ forever <3


kegom July 8 2007, 15:24:32 UTC
This was really lovely. I especially enjoyed that Fuji was a friend to both of them - not a matchmaker, or a rival, but a friend (even if a very teasing one). The same goes with Atobe and their hinted on friendships with everyone else (Ryoma/Momo and what I assume to be Fuji/Eiji and the rest of Seigaku who decided that he'd look good in a dress). This made for a very warm, friendshippy feeling, which was really nice.


umarekawareru August 6 2007, 12:36:13 UTC
I can really see Fuji as the bridge that brings Tezuka and Ryoma together over that river of miscommunication they tend to create sometimes, and I wanted to convey that with this fic. I feel Fuji's such an important factor in their relationship, and a friend to both of them, and I can really see him 'adopting' Ryoma as a little brother. I do think Eiji would look cute in a dress, btw XD Thank you so much for your lovely review <3


surealistic_des July 8 2007, 18:11:07 UTC
Fuji was simply lovely in this dear <3

I liked the idea of Fuji and Atobe in this fic. Often the former is seen as malicious but you made it that its possible he can remain as a friend without it being OOC. Another thing, Fuji/Nanako is an interesting pairing.. ^^

And yes, would have to agree...seeing Fuji continue with tennis was a surprise. Since never assumed he was such a person ^^ he was more for the thrill...


umarekawareru August 6 2007, 12:39:19 UTC
I love it when Fuji makes Tezuka go mad, but imagine him making Ryoma lose all sanity by dating his cousin XD XD XD XD XD XD I am so craving fic for that!!

Thank you so much! I love Atobe, I can't believe I haven't written him before this, and I'm really glad you liked his characterization here - same goes for Fuji. I don't see Fuji turning pro either, but I wanted him to and so he did - I think Narrativium is the technical term XD


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