well...i've been in France obviously ...and other places...i've been home a couple of days but i'm lazy to call anyone XD....i <3 you all...>.>....let's start...
actually...this might kill your soul....let's lj cut
Plane ride:
surprisingly enough, this time was mucho better than last time...good gracious last time i was stuck sitting next to this creepy, hobo, french guy...i remember specifically that i had to go use the john but he was still eating his dinner...XS...what to do?...i really had to go ...in the end he ended up holding up his food over his lap while i scuttled out as cautiously as possible...poor man...and me...because he was damn creepy...>.>....well yea...this time it was peachy keen although the two hour flight to atlanta (?...can't remember if it was atlanta) made my lips harden, crack, and rip...i've been treating myself since then...carmax is helping
dead, frickin' tired....TIRED as HELL...really ...my eyes: U.U...so TIRED...and yet...we waited forever for my uncle to pick us up with my two carry on bags killing my shoulders (and i had my suitcase but i pulled that along of course)...then...BECAUSE it was only 12:00 in the afternoon of course we had to go somewhere...we hauled are bodies in to the van to go to my grandparents apartment...very nice...yummy food...then i just knocked out on the couch. when i woke up i found out my sister had done the same thing on the futon across the room...ain't we a pair...somehow my parents weren't tired at all...not fair
my sister and i ended up sleeping on the floor on a itty-bitty thing filled with cotton (flat as heck) probably only half of your monitor....or less...now...this wasn't carpet floor this was a hardwood floor...killer if you sleep on your side which both my sister and i do....we really need to go see a chiropractor
OH!...oh, not only was the mattress crude, my dad, the man-man of the house, just had to bring his two little balls that has bells in them to roll in his hands...please tell me why at ONE in the MORNING...do you need to do this...TELL ME!?...good lord...i laid there for at least two hours with no sleep...i think i can say the same for my sister and mom...::sigh::...love you SO much dad...really
next day:
HOORAY! IT'S MY GRAMPY'S BIRTHDAY!...kind of...we went to chinatown in paris to celebrate with the family (by the by...everyone in france is my dad's side....<3 them...they are all so hilarious...my dad is different though...>.>....let's hope he never sees this...<.<....) we had a very fun lunch....and i think that was when chi my linh...who is the daughter of my dad's older sister (or eldest...i'm not sure). chi my linh, my sister, and i ended up riding the metro to Lafaytte Mall...HUGE...HUGE....one more time HUGE...and absolutely beautiful...pretty cool my man...we only bought a few things...i'm going to make a list of things i bought at the bottom...'cuz i tell you i bought a lot...HAHAHAH...i'll tell you later why i be sho HAPPI..HAHHA..yea
after our little expedition we went to Leon's..was it?...i believe it was...it was a restaurant with muscles from Brussels XD..love it..yea..it was really cool...some of the muscles came out in big pots X3...i didn't get that though...>.>...i didn't think it was possible to finish but somehow my old grandparents each finished one...wow...my grandma over here wouldn't even touch...no..LOOK at that stuff....yea...we went back to my uncle's house and survived a night without my dad's jingle jangling...he must of got the message from all of our complaining...how my mom sleeps with him every night is beyond me
SPECIAL:....did i mention how adorably cute my little cousin thomas is...well.....HE'S SO FRICKIN' CUTE....oh he's just to die for...a complete riot...he's so funny for his age (7 or 8)...i'm not saying his telling me jokes because ....i don't understand him at all...he only speaks french XD...but going 'ah ah, oh oh'....works pretty well X3 ....i <3 him...fanny, his older sister, is nice but...she touches me WAY too much...>.>...completely and utterly creeped the hell out of me...but still nice
next day:
....uhhhhh...we went out with my dad's friend who planned to take us to Notre Dame...?...but...we got there too late...closed right before our eyes XD lovely, ain't it? ...whatever, we walked around then went to another chinese restaurant in chinatown. coincidentally, it was the same one we ate in the last time we came...except much more cornier...good lord...there was a stage and a dance floor but tell me what was on the stage...-_-....a big heart with lights...good gracious someone help these people...oh and the people who sang....murder me...PLEASE...it was horrible...the women who sang in vietnamese sucked and not only that wore horrible clothing that hurt my eyes...i swear i could have bled out of my eyes....><...yea..uneventful day
.....i'm not sure if anything else happens...but...let's move on to our 5-day trip away from france
Amsterdam, Holland:
we had a hard time finding our train in paris...we managed....but the train ride was so dern LONG man....jeez...i think it was only two hours...but i was so bored reading Sophie's Choice...i think i'll give my opinion of that ...book later....maybe at the end....yea...anywho..we ended up folding paper cranes, boats, etc. when we arrived it took us forever to get to Ibis Hotel...so happy that people there spoke a lot of english...we rode a tram which practically threw you through the frickin' window...dangerous junk my man...got directions by plenty of old people walking about...so kind...the hotel was very nice...it didn't look like crude although the blanket was yucky. ...we got an hours rest (we had three rooms...two in each...on for my sister and i, one for my mom and dad, and one for my uncle and his daughter, fanny) then went off exploring...pretty cool place...OH,OH..i forgot this...when walking to ibis...i saw all these XXX's...i was like...what da hell dude?...i just thought it was cool decoration but then the poles in the ground even had the XXX's....why?....my sister told me because it was amsterdam, where everything is legal....still didn't quite register in my mind what exactly that meant...oh i learned when i passed by a souvenir shop and there was an interesting little thing...a...>.>....dildo...thing....with XXX on it...well call me stupid....which i am...it suddenly made sense...the poles in the ground were...representing the same thing....good lord...oh and there was a porn shop that we passed by probably 10 billion times...-_-...i was SO thrilled...::shudders::....o not to mention at night......no...i'll get to that....after exploring we ate dinner at this pizzeria place...thing...where fanny got this pizza that my sister and i tried...and......now i'm not one for pizzas and i don't usually compliment pizzas but...god...this pizza was extraordinary...it had such wonderful cheese that just slid around in your mouth and the bread was perfect...goodness it was so good...my sister said it almost tasted better than new york pizza..or something like that...::drools::
okay...tell me...if you had a room...you would sleep in it...not fanny....she raided our room...god i was so uncomfortable with her on the bed too...watched a lot of american movies until ...1?...or so....and lucky me when i was trying to find the perfect quiet channel to go to sleep to i pass by porn......lovely....
next day:
BORING...wasted a day on a stupid boat going through the large amount of canals of amsterdam...we ate lunch...at La Place...which was a great place to eat because it had almost anything you wanted....really...it did...then we did a little shopping...dinner...was at the Sea Palace....a Chinese restaurant in the water....HUGE....very nice...mediocre food...but damn nice...it was supposed to be a copy of a real Chinese restaurant in China that seated 5,000 something people while this one only from 2,000-3,000....wow.......yup...then it was back to the hotel where i went to bed early and my sister ended up staying up late
next day:
LOVELY...great....my sister and i spent the whole day shopping buy ourselves...normally...shopping is not my main deal..but there were so many interesting things here...we went to the flea market and the nice boutique shops laying around...got a lot of things...oh...yea...for some reason this whole trip i was a big fat klutz (more than usual since i once in awhile trip over nothing....>.>...no one ever seems to notice....which makes sense cause i do a lot of stupid crap that people shouldn't notice...>.>...yea)...anywho...my sister and i went into one of the little stores and i got bored of it quite quickly. I decided i would wait for my sister outside so i walk out...no...trip out...where, for some reason (actually they were waiting for a girl inside), a group of guys were standing....o yes.....no 'are you alright?' just a burst of laughter....thank you..thank you very much..i'm glad to add humor in to your boring day.......gosh was i embarrassed, heh....and for lunch....we could not resist but go back to that pizza place and order the best pizza i'll ever eat in my life...it had cheese, heart of artichokes, mushrooms, and spinach...oh goodness...we might as well had been in heaven...yea...we shopped a bit more then slept in the hotel until dinner time. that night we ate at Gauchos which was next door to the pizzeria...it wasn't very good...but whatever
alright...i understand i'm asian and people tend to automatically think your either chinese or japanese but Amsterdam took it to the extreme...i swear every street or road my sister and i walked on at least one guy said "Nihao"....thank you, Amsterdam
Belgium, Belgium:
....let's not even mention this place....it was hell...sucked ....poop on me...although the one good thing was the Tea-room...that was so wonderful...my sister and i bought 4 little tarts ( chocolate, raspberry, pineapple, and kiwi?...tarts) they were absolutely delicious and so was the big strawberry tart that we drank with tea...i mixed my sister's berry tea with my lipton and it was perfect....i wish we had a picture or something of it...but we don't....::sigh::
Souston, France:
the rest of the trip was pretty uneventful....we went to Souston and lived in this old farm house that cost 1 million something and nearly died. the bed was disgusting....mine had a frickin' imprint of a whole body....it was hard...smelled like crap...and...at night i froze to DEATH...so did my sister ...at least i finished Sophie's Choice there, drew, and bought a few things...did i mention eating really good food....the kisch (if that's how you spell it...>.>..)...my aunt makes is delicious...yea...yum....food was good....although i thought my aunt hated my sister and i....but who cares....she creeped me out anyways...(everything creeps me out evidently...XD)
OH!...the sheep milk cheese was so good...so was the sheep milk mixed with cow's but...the sheep one was better....others were good to but...no......on the last night staying there i was so homesick that i was willing to sleep in the same bed as my sister to get a little bit of the home feeling (since she insists that we sleep together when i enjoy my loneliness...good gracious...when i wake in the morning..she does...it creeps me out...she just won't leave me alone sometimes...::sigh::....i <3 her...but i like being alone...::shurg::)....gosh...i missed my binky so much...i almost cried because i felt so alone....naw i'm lying...although..don't tell binky that...i don't think binky would be too happy that i didn't cry for binky...<3 binky...<3..lub lub...did i mention the ride to Souston takes 6-7 hours of driving....ugh...i love the way my dad drives...uberly fast, BRAKE, uberly fast, BRAKE...loved it
hmm....has anyone heard of Brice the Nice?...i wouldn't think so...Thomas is a huge fan....i tell you...Brice the Nice is a big joke...his music..suck...and he dances in creepy ways...like humping a dog in a manner that turns it off....>.>.....right....yes...freaky man....Thomas turns on his stupid man-man music (it's like kiddy french rap thing...i don't even know ...) raps along and dances...i have this recorded my friends ...he did some weird floor sliding and butt movements....let's hope i can blackmail him in the future...::cackles::
Back to Paris: (after 7 days of Souston) ( 3 days of the trip left)
we stayed at my dad's parents house the rest of the time...it was pretty nice....they are really kind....and did i mention they gave each of us, my sister and i, 100 Euros each...then my dads younger sister Co Nam..or Ma Nam...(the fifth child..) also gave us an extra 50 Euros...so...lets's see...i practically just gained back ALL of my money. i had $400, $300 for my upcoming 16th birthday and $100 for grades,...with my 150 Euros (since, of course, i didn't use all $400)...i only spent $60 something dollars in europe...i love it...:3...we went shopping ...but...on the last day we went to Co Bay's (...?)(the seventh and last child my grandparents have...>.>...unless there's another one in France that i don't know about...rabbits is what they are...eww.......) apartment....she took us shopping....my sister and i only bought things at Zara that day....and spent about 60 Euros...but you see...Co Bay paid for us....ugh...i love these people...
Flight home:
....it was alright...didn't really care for it much....alright...we had the normal 6-8 hours flight from paris to New York City...we were supposed to wait 2 hours for the flight to orlando to take off (at 5:30)....o lucky us the flight got delayed majorly....five FRICKIN' hours at that airport.....so frickin' BORED....ugh...finally we got on the damn thing then sat on the ground for probably another 30 minutes or an hour....wonderful...we didn't get home until 12 something....first thing i did was drop some bags off and huggled my binky....i was so happy to be home....yet...it didn't feel quite right....but right enough :3
Sophie's Choice:
....alright...the info on the Holocaust was educational but the plot sucked so bad i thought i was going to die....Stingo's inability to get a girl raked my nerves....Sophie...pissed me off with her stupidity...even though she's been through a lot...but she is a bad character...Nathan...can go to hell....an asshole like that..even with issues...should go to hell.......i'm harsh...so what....bitches...the book was torture to read....the plot left me sucked dry of any enjoyment....i slammed that book a million times with my head and the wall...i think i hit my head against the wall a few times too....i'm sorry if someone liked that book but.....tough shit....it sucked to me....i especially don't see the exact reason for the sexual side-stories with those two girls that turned the poor fellow down....umm..hello....i already understand a human has needs and if a guy has been a virgin for too long with too much jerking off, can have a lot of hormones....i'm not stupid so let's skip needless words and write up a good, decent plot...sorry but this book get like........2 stars for having good grammar and historical ...stuff........save my soul for horrible books....angel and demons by Dan Brown..now that was good....twist and turns with a nice hint of romance....perfect...a lot of action and mystery with tad hint of love...perfect....and deaths were great....::sigh::....yea...now i gotta go read the da vinci code....
List of Bought Items:
ummm......this is going to be hard....big X means lily...i only put her in her too because we kind of bought everything together....kind of...
pucca shirt
yellow earrings
reggae pin X
gay pin
panda key chain
2 pairs of flip flops X (i bet barely anyone has seen me in flip flops...)
purple shoes
two pairs of sunglasses (one purple and one white)
black vest hoodie
yellow collar shirt
purlpe jacket with a wax poetic sign on back and front (i wish i had bought their c.d. just to know what they sounded like....we didn't even know it was a was poetic sign until...a week later)
7 or more pair of earrings
10 or more patches (iron-on)
reggae belt X
a key chain
tons of pins (no sex, superman, pucca, jack, happy face, maurana(?), i'm not normal, etc.)
bracelet/hair ties in assorted neon and non-neon colors...?...
iron-on patch
water colors
pair of sneakers (only 10 Euros for sneaks that looked like converses...but then again....they aren't very purty...i only got because it was raining and i tend to slip all over the place in flip flops....which i was doing)
1 or more pairs of earrings
3 bracelets
4 rings
red back-pack
cheap sketch-book but good quality
a set of markers (decent)
3 head band thingies
20 or more different types of clips (hearts, jingles, bugs, colors,etc.)
Back in Paris:
green shoes ( 10 Euros)
green sneaks (high qualit converse-like shoes...also 10 Euros)
orange vest hoodie
purple semi-collar shirt (lolita vibes, man)
bright nerd vest
blue abstract shirt
black shirt X
....that's all i can really remember...i'm quite sure we might have bought more ....jeez....a lot of it is on my floor right now XD