This show has totally jumped the shark. Ok, so it did that a long time ago, but it just seems to keep on jumping. I still love it though. I'm having too much fun waiting for what crazy thing they'll come up with next to care about... well... how utterly crazy it is.
But now the mother is suddenly alive. I kinda saw it coming already in the last episode, but I was hoping that wasn't what they were hinting about. I just can't see how they're ever going to make that make sense. Although, this being Prison Break maybe they're not trying too hard.
Oh, and T-Bag begging Lincoln not to kill Gretchen? That's just absurd. I mean, come on... it's T-Bag! I think I might be able to buy him trying to change at some point. But right now with everything being as crazy as it is? No way.
But I did enjoy Lincoln bossing Self around. And Self hating every minute of it. And Mahone showing up when he did made me squeal. Although Mahone just plain showing up always makes me squeal anyway. :)