Some are obvious. Others are not.
1. I'm far more of a horndog than I let on publicly. This has bitten me in the arse before, as it is, I'm trying not to be so much of one these days.
2. I get terribly depressed at the end of most fictional series. Mostly due to there finally being an end and the inevitability of knowing everything by heart and the excitement of the series gradually passing on as I look over everything again.
3. As the conflict with Chelza proved, even when things might have to be cut off, I'm a terrible, terrible pussy when it comes to relationships. For all my lack of self-confidence either some or most of the time, the only true way to get me bitter or feeling defeated on life is a relationship going sour and thence broken up, and the one way to gaurentee I can bawl, which I really do not do otherwise.
4. I worry that I am bipolar, autistic, or some mental disorder and it is either years of my parents covering it up or my own dumb luck it has not been discovered yet. I abhor the thought of taking medicines since I was proudly self-reliant on my own health as one of my major good things about me.
5. I've realized I'm a workaholic. A good day through any of the jobs I have had in life is probably a bunch of random, separate tasks to keep me both busy, but also quick and different enough to keep me from getting bored and thus out of it or slacking off.
6. I like big girls, but that's not really a secret anymore.
7. A hot bath with a soda to drink, some candy like Reese's to munch on, and a new, long book on a day off is my idea of total luxury.
8. I don't get why people rag on McDonalds. I actually enjoy it whenever I do have it, and a Big Mac is tasty. Just take it in moderation-especially because it never fills me up beyond being a quick energy boost, especially during a physically-intensive day.
9. I have no idea how to do most things most people take for granted as part of an adult life. Even though I am in my mid-twenties-having to learn how to do stuff like get a car registered, bank online, as some of the lesser-embarrassing stuff is pretty humiliating to admit. I mostly shrugged it off since mom and dad had always taken care of it and most of what I did around the house-physical chores and all-was acceptable since mom's cancer and dad being away most of the time meant we each could do something generally beneficial for the family as a whole.
10. Related to number one, I get crushes easily on, or fall in love with, friends. This is important, as I really do not feel anything for women I do not know yet, which has meant just going to a singles bar or whatever annoys me or doesn't feel worth it, and my subconcious/heart/what-have-you is apparently rather picky on what friends I usually fall for to boot. This is also why breakups get me pathetically down-I usually lose what is one of my best friends at the time.
11. I am boring and most of the time do not mind this. This is a great strength and weakness. I can get through life easily on lowered expectations, and be happy to talk on most anything anyone can say-absolutely nothing will faze me and I can find vaguely interesting. However, what I do want in life, and the fact I feel I waste so much potential since I felt I never asked for much, very obviously haunts me.
12. I like superhero comics because I wish things could be so clear-cut, easy to solve, and inspiring. Superman has always appealed to me more than I let on. I wish I had half the moral code and conviction he had.
13. People who talk of how they like to exercise but are scared of rain are pussies, in my opinion. Unless it is a total storm, you'll be getting sweaty and gross anyway.
14. Again, obvious, but for a few people I am absolutely obsessed with how they think of me. I care on them too much that I fear they may think me overbearing or secretly a moron or whatever.
15. Ever since coming down here, I can't imagine leaving the south's heat. From Delaware, with such wacky and usually wet, coolish weather, the warmth for so much of the year is an absolute pleasure.
16. I feel people who live in cities have no idea how lucky they are. Just walking around town during visits to them, I feel amazed at how much there is to do. Chelza's recent time in Delaware only strengthened this conviction of mine.
17. I am terrible on TV anymore. Not much interests me and even when I do have good shows like the Venture Bros. to watch, I'm just so lazy. Of course, having no TV helps this. I'm actually trying to get back into Adult Swim so I have a common hobby with some buddies again.
18. I listen to a lot of video game music. I like finding out new tunes or rediscovering old ones; this is what I listen to in lieu of bands. If I had to pick a normal music type, it'd be indy/rock. I do like listening to the hits station on radio though when driving, just to find something new and youtube it later.
19. Averting what
duskcolor said, I too hate bugs like grasshoppers, crickets, cockroaches, etc. But in this area, they are common as hell and I am getting used to them hopping all about in long grass as I walk to the commissary or work, or so forth.
20. Thanks to recent events, I have a hard time believing God is not trying to kick my arse now.
21. I actually think I photograph really well, which is a pity when most people see me and see a tiny guy.
22. I keep thinking I have some epic tale in me I have to let out and write. I wish I knew what it was, though-even a hint.
23. I used to feel like my word could be taken as good as gold, not so much anymore. I'd like to get that happening again.
24. I like saving up and spending on other people. This has led to problems. I am learning to try to be a little better for getting stuff for myself.
25. I wouldn't give my accent up for the world, but anyone who understands what the hell I'm saying off the bat automatically gets several notches on my likability scale.