Ha ha!

Aug 24, 2005 08:18

The Random Question Meme!

An array of completely random questions about my friends!
Can rbentley solve a Rubik's Cube?Probably...not?In what ways is russianbear52 smarter than you?Uh...Why shouldn't _elise_denise and mmdc2015 be a couple?I dunno...Would that be weird?Does jefferyhunt understand quantum chromodynamics?Ha ha! Is ginnyguineapig3 an innie or an outie?Innie?When was the last time you talked to hepatitis_bekah?Last nightHave you ever seen rougerhapsody naked?NoDoes lizard3704 have a funny-shaped head or what?He he! Well... Uh.. No comment.. J/k Is rebelsk8rgrl205's spoon too big?Well, considering she's so short that she can't reach the tvs in the youth room...yesOf servant4him and fatt1221, who would call shotgun first?fatt1221
This is by heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions here.

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