Title: Shimmering Blue
Pairing: Jaemin (main)
Genre: AU, supernatural/fantasy/non-human, angst, romance
Warning: underage-went-wrong, WTFs, minor torture/violence, possible annoying!min
Rating: PG-NC-17/R
Until some springs ago he still enjoyed being enveloped by the current or leaping from one rock to another
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Comments 60
Xiah or Junsu or whatever is being really annoying here !
I'm one step closer to say that i HATE HIM !
Poor Jaemin *bawling*
dont you ever dare make a threesome where Min is the receiver end from both of them (Jae and Su) *is being an annoying reader*
But i can accept it if Jae being the Uke hehe
*DP is my fetish*
*is giving you a hint*
it's soooooooooo heartbreaking!
they're together, but they can't really be together...
angst. it stings my heart.
i think i'm in love with this.
im in love with u
*sloppy smooch*
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thank u for reading~
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Thank you so much for reading, ILU TOO!! xD
How dare you making my JaeMin separated like this?
Even you had Taemin to suck your cock, goodness.. my innocent Taemin (but at least it's Taemin cos if it's Onew I might go crazy *Onew bias* LOL)
He remembered their birthdays, Jaejoong’s birthday that had been decided as his birthday as well, just so they could celebrate it together. He remembered the spicy foods on the twelfth, the failed cake on the thirteenth. The cold, one-night get away on the fourteenth and the pain, heat and heartbeat as they gave themselves to each other on the fifteenth.
You have no idea how the bold line makes me smile Umeboshi-chan. At least they made love together before hehe.
Jaejoong loves Min so much here *teary eyes*
*sighs* I know their love will full of obstacles but I believe in their true love and I know the author is not that mean to make a sad ending xDDD.
*bribes you with naked Yoochun pic* (if I had any hehe)
Thank you for the update Umeboshi-chan. Love ya and fighting as always!!!
About the bold line, there'll be a chapter a bout it *wink*wink* xD we're all interested in Jaemin's first time, no?
Author is kinda mean this time... but don't worry, it won't be that sad.... >D
Thank you so much!! *loves*loves*hug*hug
*protects Onew from evil Umeboshi*
But wait why am I laughing with you right now?? LOL
Though I prefer Onew to do me..
Well, I guess I can handle some naughty naughty Onew xDD.
Omo..omo..yes..yes... teenage JaeMin smut is always welcomed in my life. I'd love to see that one *winks*
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