Title: Shimmering Blue
Pairing: Jaemin (main)
Genre: AU, supernatural/fantasy/non-human, angst, romance
Warning: underage-went-wrong, WTFs, minor torture/violence, possible annoying!min, angst and sap
Rating: PG-NC-17 (NC-17 for this chapter)
Until some springs ago he still enjoyed being enveloped by the current or leaping from one rock to
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Comments 69
(OMG I'm first for the first time and my comment come last = =)
Anyway, the bathroom scene made go up and down. why can't they kiss??? you'll just have to make Minnie brush his teeth again, so why didn't you let me have some Jaemin bonding time >"<
Mr.nine-tailed fox is officially creepy to me T-T Was he trying to find Jae? and he even ravished Minho tooooo. Give me back a happy and nice and kind Junsuuuuuu. This imagine oddly suits him (yes, oddly I say) but I still prefer sweet Susu *sighs*
At least the smut scene was sweet *smiles* puppy Min♥ + Kangin's advices + Jae's cock = cute smut *giggles* btw, I was like melting every time I read Jae calling Min 'baby'♥ love it when Min's called baby♥
oh and in the next chapter there'll be Jaehyun AND Homin??? gosh I want it so baddddd
just pm you the answer to that alarm. don't laugh at me >"<
write more *hugs you*
p.s: I still so glad that you're back :)
omg..jaemin had an early wild experiences. i was feeling hot after that. thank you for writing more.
*hugs you*
hahaha ive told you that file is NSFW xDD
thank you for reading!! xD
Don't want him here >:(
Too many people interrupting the Jaemin already, sigh.
Junsu is really scary in this fic hnng.
I love that scene with Jaemin in the bathroom ): I wish Changmin wouldn't make Jaejoong feel like he's neglected now. But it's so cute how Jaejoong thought that Changmin existed for him. It's true though ne? Ahaha, Jaejoong used a whistle to call for him? Cuuute~ But so rude of jae hehe.
Hyunjoong is like a puppy in this fic too, won't go away and always comes back to his master begging for treats.
As for puppy comparison, Hyunjoong is more like golden retriever... pushy and all over its owner xD
Thanks for reading!
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thanks for reading!! xDD hihihi
btw homin really gets me. it's dangerous. because once i leave jaemin for homin... i may not come back to jaemin anymore (lol just not the type to ship 2 things at the same time). so this story got to continue as jaemin, okay?
the homin is cute. gahhhh i seriously think of fully shipping homin as a couple... and that means no jaemin anymoar from me uh huh (like anyone cares ahaha don't mind me). don't worry i'll still tail this story to the very berry end ;D
xiah-sshi is cruel like that. minho dan changmin are suffering so much because of him fuhuhuuu *shoves chun to xiah-sshi*
thank u for updating regularly again!
I'll be very lonely if you leave jaemin though T^T
Thank you for the comment hehehe xD NOW GIVE ME YOUR UPDATE *pushy*
but i'll still follow your wonderful series, dun worry ^^
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