Title: The reunion
Pairing: Jaemin (main)
Warnings: language, drugs, hmm hmm *confuse*
Rating: PG-13 to R, R for this chapter
Summary: The two boys were childhood friend.
A/N: sorry for the late update, and thanks for all the comments!! xD
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Comments 44
How can I express how much I love this chapter? I kept thinking about it all day. The scene where Jaejoong confronted Changmin in the store really got to me. I don't know if it was partly because he was sick, but Jaejoong just seemed so emotionally vulnerable and fragile. Cry-baby-hyung indeed ;_;
And Changmin's realisation of how deep he pulled Jaejoong into his heartless game was just so sad as well. I'm hoping that he himself is in too deep to just leave him like that, and judging from his outburst at the end, it seems that way?
And Changmin saying he hates seeing Jaejae cry... ;_; I don't know, I guess this fic gets to me more because we've seen how close they were when they were young, and just how loving and warm Changmin can be(so protective over Jaejoong too, even though he was much younger) and I really hope Changmin remembers something soon! Or Jaejoong realises that Changmin is right infront of him, and not dead.
And Junsu <3 I love Junsu here.
I'm glad you're liking the fic! (thinking about it all day... lol *hugssss*)Oh, I hope I can still continue the fic even after seeing the painful reality >_< It's fanfic after all, yeah!? xD
and I love how you relate their situation now with the situation when they're still younger, because I make them connected on purpose, but I'm kinda afraid that readers will forget what happened in the previous chapter since it's a long story and all xD
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Submissive joongie is yay too! xD
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Oh, I shouldn't have put the R rating there, it'll be like spoiler for the readers xDD I like something surprising and unpredictable xD
I'm glad you remember the "kiss the pain away" part! Because I made it on purpose, but I thought no one will remember it! Yayy cookie for you! xD CCTV... hahaha seeing Eriko is one perverted old lady, she might do that... xD
Yeah poor Jae,,, Changmin couldn't replace Yoochun with anyone,not even Jae... :( But he followed his impulse (since he's interested in Jae and couldn't help but care for him) so when he realized that Jae turned out to be like that, he regreted it...
But Minnie is remembering Jae bit by bit.. xD
Thanks for always reading this fic again!!! *hugs* it'll take a while to update the next, it's so hard to continue the fic while deal with the real life jaemin brokenness T_T (I just want to drag their asses together and screamed, "GET ALONG WILL YOU!!??")
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I want more!!!! this is sooooo good! ♥♥♥ update soon! ^_^
I like Masuda Takahisa and all Arashi boys in JE xD
Ahhh, i still hope this fic will have a happy ending~! <3
It'll be a happy ending I promie...Bad endings always ruin my day so I will never never make one xD
Thanks for commenting!
Anyway, i just had to comment since this chapter was pure <3
I love the way how Junsu makes Changmin drunk just to make him talk~! And the progress of Min getting DRUNK! xDDD That was precious~!
Also the way how we finally know that Changmin also feels something for Jae... make it even pure lust! xD But still~ Even if he was ignoring Jae, he was still so much influenced by his presence~! :D Can't wait for another chapter~!!!
And I'm happy it will have a happy ending~! <3
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