Title: The Reunion Pairing: Jaemin (main) Warnings: Lovey dovey Rating: PG-13 to R Summary: The two boys were childhood friends, but a reunion was not always that sweet (btw as much as I love school fic, this is not one of them ^^) ( The last part... )
no, i didn't... i'm to focus in hoping maybe in the end yunho can heal yoochun's heart... :p it's so my bias.. hehehe but since yoochun died then i lost the hope and only focus in jaemin... hihiihih.....
First of all, I ow you an immense apology because I've been a silent reader all this time......however it's not that I didn't wanna comment, it's more that I was totally speechless. This fic you wrote, is by far one of the most beautiful ones I ever read, and I'll jump on your file whenever you'll put it up
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Thank you so muuuuccchhh *shakes you hysterically*
Thank you for adding me as your friend too! Now it's my time to roam around enjoying fics, haven't read fics for quite a long time gwahahahaha xD
this was original...congrats on finishing^^
Thank you so much for reading!
i'm to focus in hoping maybe in the end yunho can heal yoochun's heart... :p it's so my bias.. hehehe
but since yoochun died then i lost the hope and only focus in jaemin... hihiihih.....
it's really a very great fic, bb ^^
I think you praise me too much, im really speechless I don't know what to say.... TT_____TT so glad you like the fic dearrr *hugs*
And please don't apologize, I'm perfectly fine with silent readers, im happy if people want to read this story xD *hugs again*
*now is obese because of the cupcakes*
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