Title: Scut Hamsters Pairing: Jaemin, Jaechun Rating: PG-13 to R Warning: a little bit WTFs in the latter chapters Summary: Just another campus life story
hehe... Min slowly craves his way into Jae's stone/ice(?) heart... go Minnie. THe whole Hunsu's autograph is funny kyakekekeke. I hope/wish Jae give Yunho a break, he only trying to help him get the experience for god sake. It Shiwon is who I'm not sure I trust? can't read his intention or what he really want/think... still not that fond of Jae at this moment... but it get A LITTLE better.
Oh jae is like that, he won't give anyone a break easily... You might hate him more later xD Ha3 people don't like shiwon I wonder why xD thanks for the comment!
I cannot tell you how much I've liked this chapter. The part with Hunsu "the mexicano" and the kids.. it just killed me xD I was laughing my head off while reading. When you said "cambio dolor disco trance version", were you referring to Natalia Oreiro's song? If so, I will laugh harder just imagining Junsu dancing to that xD
And the JaeMin relationship is so... bittersweet and angsty ♥
if you answer me that mean that I got a new chap right right right??????? :3333333 *runs serching*
I wasn't predicting the ploting, I was thinking about the things that happen with jaemin so far. And maybe cuestioning about Shiwon... and maybe asking my self what would happen when Yoochun return... that's it! noothing else. I like this fic veery much ♥
Ans I also love telenovela!Hunsu hihihihi I've seen the same telenovelas as him :DDD We got something in comon hahah
Comments 59
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today suddently i keep thinking bout this fic very much..
hahahahaa..then when i refresh the LJ..
tup..u update...
off to read.........
jea started to be more open..
The part with Hunsu "the mexicano" and the kids.. it just killed me xD I was laughing my head off while reading.
When you said "cambio dolor disco trance version", were you referring to Natalia Oreiro's song? If so, I will laugh harder just imagining Junsu dancing to that xD
And the JaeMin relationship is so... bittersweet and angsty ♥
I'll be eagerly waiting for your next chapter ;-)
BTW I like your icon n_n
really jaemin :D
Jaejong doesn't want to know what CM think about him oww... and it seems like Kibum feels something for him
poor Anhee, but I hope Changmin can go and see her too. Maybe she can help the jaemin
Yeah, poor Anhee T.T
thanks for commenting!
:3333333 *runs serching*
I wasn't predicting the ploting, I was thinking about the things that happen with jaemin so far. And maybe cuestioning about Shiwon... and maybe asking my self what would happen when Yoochun return... that's it! noothing else.
I like this fic veery much ♥
Ans I also love telenovela!Hunsu hihihihi I've seen the same telenovelas as him :DDD We got something in comon hahah
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