Title: Scut Hamsters Pairing: Jaemin, Jaechun Rating: PG-13 to R Warning: a little bit WTFs in the latter chapters Summary: Just another campus life story
oh!1 lucky me! i've foud this new chaoter *0* i feel a little bit sad, Annhee is a special person and now his health is getting worst... i hope JJ can see her and show her changmin's pictures...
btw, i love how JJ slowly slowly is giving changmin more importance, and i feel good that for him is important what changmin thinks about him---
i'm a silent reader before, and now i already have LJ so i can comment you~*wink*
i've been waiting for this update and this is worth it! i could see JJ's openness towards Min, how he changes a lot than before, and gets easily jealous with him *yeah! you really should suffer before gets Min!* But Min is a very good person, with all the other's nasty comments bout JJ he still manages to see him in a good way.hope they'll develop their feelings soon! now I hate it when Yoochun's back... :b
it's okay if you can't update as fast as before, as long that you update..good luck with your test(s)!
hehehe but you've gotten the clue about the photo in the previous chapter, right? Now it's not about develop 'their' feelings but 'his' feeling hehehehe xDD
Thank you so much for the comment and support hunniee!! xD
Comments 58
i've foud this new chaoter *0*
i feel a little bit sad, Annhee is a special person and now his health is getting worst...
i hope JJ can see her and show her changmin's pictures...
btw, i love how JJ slowly slowly is giving changmin more importance, and i feel good that for him is important what changmin thinks about him---
thanks for the chapter ♥
Thank you so much for the comment! *hugs*
i love the night scenery scene ^^
i feel jae's so vulnerable and carefree there, not his usual cold expression.
and you know, i could clearly picture changmin's smiling face while playing in the water ^^ jae trying to capture that is just so touching.
awww...thanks for the update!
i seriously can't get enough of this!
i'll wait for the next chap!
I thought he’ll be forever helpless if I keep ignoring him, so it shocks me when he moves closer and bites my ear.
He BITES me.
hints of aggressiveness makes me giddy all over ^^;;
jaemin love!
your avatar is always hot btw
I love the night scene too..! lol and from your 'impatient are we' avatar i know you like agressiveness, grrrr xD
i've been waiting for this update and this is worth it! i could see JJ's openness towards Min, how he changes a lot than before, and gets easily jealous with him *yeah! you really should suffer before gets Min!* But Min is a very good person, with all the other's nasty comments bout JJ he still manages to see him in a good way.hope they'll develop their feelings soon! now I hate it when Yoochun's back... :b
it's okay if you can't update as fast as before, as long that you update..good luck with your test(s)!
Now it's not about develop 'their' feelings but 'his' feeling hehehehe xDD
Thank you so much for the comment and support hunniee!! xD
thanks for updating, and good luck with your tests and such! /huggles
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