Title: Scut Hamsters Pairing: Jaemin, Jaechun Rating: PG-13 to R Warning: a little bit WTFs in the latter chapters Summary: Just another campus life story
OMG soooo sad T-T Changmin needs to carry his cellphone everywhere!!! poor Changmin T-T i bet she was blinded bt anger that JJ left him or maybe he was sad poor JJ too he should have scream CHANGMIN I LOVE U!!! i bet that will have stop him
bcoz... i read ALL of your pics !! AND believe me ,i am your journal stalker !! but..i never commented since The Reunion chap 6. bcoz..your fics is so intense ,i can even described my feeling after read the story. *believe me,its not an excuse*
why does my heart seem to hurt so much? I've had this feeling of discontent hanging over me all day and then I come back and read this and it's turned into downright depression. T_T
Oh my poor babies. oh god. i just want to hold them both. Hold them and make it all better. I knew when I read the last chapter that Minnie would try to hurt himself, I had just hoped he would try to throw himself off a roof and Jae would save him....or something disgustingly cliché like that.
But no. You have to be an exceptional writer and actually have a sense of imagination. I can feel their pain. I can fucking feel their pain. Seriously, are you in Forensics again? Why the hell are you not a Creative Writing major?! WE NEED MORE PEOPLE LIKE YOU IN THAT DEPARTMENT.
Comments 109
poor Changmin T-T i bet she was blinded bt anger that JJ left him or maybe he was sad
poor JJ too he should have scream CHANGMIN I LOVE U!!!
i bet that will have stop him
oh my god, minnie-ah
...im so Shame to commented here ...
i read ALL of your pics !!
AND believe me ,i am your journal stalker !!
but..i never commented since The Reunion chap 6.
bcoz..your fics is so intense ,i can even described my feeling after read the story.
*believe me,its not an excuse*
im so SORRY Ume-chan T.T
Oh my poor babies. oh god. i just want to hold them both. Hold them and make it all better. I knew when I read the last chapter that Minnie would try to hurt himself, I had just hoped he would try to throw himself off a roof and Jae would save him....or something disgustingly cliché like that.
But no. You have to be an exceptional writer and actually have a sense of imagination. I can feel their pain. I can fucking feel their pain. Seriously, are you in Forensics again? Why the hell are you not a Creative Writing major?! WE NEED MORE PEOPLE LIKE YOU IN THAT DEPARTMENT.
you can feel their painn??? feeeeeeellllll ittttttt *grooving*
lool are you in creative writing major? awesome!! nooo believe me my brain often stucked and im not diligent enough to do writing as job... Y_Y
thanks for reading!
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