Title: Scut Hamsters Pairing: Jaemin, Jaechun Rating: PG-13 to R Warning: sappy sappy sappy sappy did I mention sappy?? Summary: Just another campus life story
oh jaejoong, i am just glad you are almost back to your bratty bitchy self. although not quite. because the selfish you of before will probably never had sacrifice himself for someone else's sake like you did for changmin.
he really has fallen hard, hasn't he. :3
the yunchun was a realy nice surprise. even yetis need love.
Ok... first of all... "Even his milk teeth were as pretty as nowadays teeth, how could that be?" I DIED~!!! xD and my face could be ilustration to WTF?! in every dictionary after reading that! It was EPIC! But srsly... I love you and hate you. And that chapter was just... just... T______T He hit Kibum~!!!! xD YAY~!!! I don't know what to say... but I loved that chapter. I loved everything about it... it was so painfully amazing. *gives u ginger cookie* <3
Comments 82
that's all I got.
I'm speechless.
YAY for the 2U and
YAY for the Jaemin!!! ♥♥♥
i don't even. LOL-ed. xD
oh jaejoong, i am just glad you are almost back to your bratty bitchy self. although not quite. because the selfish you of before will probably never had sacrifice himself for someone else's sake like you did for changmin.
he really has fallen hard, hasn't he. :3
the yunchun was a realy nice surprise. even yetis need love.
yes yes, yeti needs to protect themselves from extinction xD
"Even his milk teeth were as pretty as nowadays teeth, how could that be?"
I DIED~!!! xD and my face could be ilustration to WTF?! in every dictionary after reading that! It was EPIC!
But srsly... I love you and hate you. And that chapter was just... just... T______T
He hit Kibum~!!!! xD YAY~!!!
I don't know what to say... but I loved that chapter. I loved everything about it... it was so painfully amazing.
*gives u ginger cookie* <3
why do you still hate me i've fixed your heart! XD
and...oMOOO!!!! it's the ginger cookie that I miss! xD *hugs*
And I don't hate u~! I LOVE YOU~!!! *hugs*
Muahahah I know what u like! *gives u more ginger cookies! Heart-shaped ones!*
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My heart breaks yet I also feel warm tingles at the same time...
I thought the 'talk' would happen at Min's house but you got me surprise there...
Jae, why did you only strangled Kibum's neck? Why not killed him instead? I hate that guy, do me a favor will ya?
Ooh, I knew it was Yunho that Chun was talking about as his childhood friend XD
*still feeling bittersweet*
Next is the last chapter?! Uwaaa~!
Oh and please, don't spank me... *hides in a corner*
awww it's pretty hurtful, you know... 10cm width, hard cover medical dictionary.. xD Poor bummie has suffered enough lol xD
no i won't spank you *prepare a lash*
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