My internet was down yesterday, and to amuse myself I decided to try familiarizing myself with the TeniPuri universe by writing fanfic.
Fat lot of good that did me, because this is the stupidest, most OOC crapfic I've ever written for any fandom which is saying a lot. This isn't even going into my writing journal, it doesn't deserve to go there.
It has illustrations, though. YAY!! Kindly ignore the obvious (and quite intentional, I assure you; I'm not a COMPLETE idiot) inaccuracies in the drawings of Shishido. I had no pictures to use as reference of long-haired!Shishido, and obviously Google was not an option. :( So I just went ahead and botched up canon even more!
Sooo, this is my first time writing OR drawing something for TeniPuri! (Excepting
that mess I doodled with my touchpad and called Ryoma.) What a way to start off, huh? >.>;;;
Title: Cheer Up, Shishido!
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Characters: Shishido, Jirou, The Ghettoest Go Board Known To Man
Notes: Prompt from
The PoT Crack Generator: "Jirou/Shishido, Go." It's actually gen, but OH WELL, WHO CARES. ...This was originally going to be a semi-serious ficlet, believe it or not.
Word Count: 400
This is Shishido.
Shishido was sad. Shishido had been kicked off the regulars in his tennis club. Poor Shishido. Now Shishido was sitting in his room moping. Moping was going to do nothing to get his regular spot back, but screw that, he just felt like being a recluse and lazing around in his room.
Then the doorbell rang. So Shishido went to answer it.
It was Jirou!
Jirou was also in the tennis club with Shishido, and he had taken Shishido's place when Shishido was dropped from the Regulars. So seeing Jirou at the door made Shishido feel mad and even more sad.
"What are you doing here?" Shishido asked.
"I feel bad that I took your spot on the regulars," Jirou said. "So I'm going to cheer you up!"
Shishido was just all like "okay" and let Jirou into the house, completely forgetting that he was supposed to be mad at Jirou. He forgave him because Shishido is a really nice guy like that.
"How will you be cheering me up?" Shishido asked. He wanted to be cheered up, because being mad and sad was not fun.
Jirou grinned and pulled something out of his backpack. He set it up on the floor. "We're going to be playing a game!"
What Jirou took out of his backpack was a square piece of wood with a grid on the top. It was a Go board!
Shishido frowned when he saw it. "But I don't know how to play Go!" Shishido was sad again.
"That's okay!" Jirou said. "I'll teach you how to play!"
So Jirou did! Shishido got the hang of it pretty quickly, and then Jirou and Shishido played some games!
Both of them were kind of crappy at the game, but that's okay. They both had fun!
"Wow, thanks Jirou!" Shishido said when Jirou had to go home. "I feel a lot happier now!"
"You're welcome, Shishido!" Jirou said with a smile. "I'm glad you're feeling better!"
Shishido nodded, and then said, "I believe in myself now! So I'm going to try and get my regulars spot back!"
"Good luck!" Jirou said. Then he left, waving cheerfully. Jirou fell asleep on the front walk after a few steps, but Shishido had already closed the door so he didn't know!
Now Shishido is happy! He is going to try to get his regulars spot back. Good luck, Shishido!
Should I link to this in
tenipuri, or will they flame me from here to next week?