prepare to be bonez0red

Aug 27, 2006 20:12

so yesterday, steve and i went to san francisco to visit mike and magnolia.

entering the car


steve driving

me being a passenger

a crazy porsche

dude driving crazy porsche

a ferrari

once we arrived, we had to go to copeland's.

like the band! we were on the M train, going to mike's.

city hall, waiting for mike.


mike's view.

we met up with magnolia and decided to bus to the wharf.

me on the bus.

unfortunately we got off way too early. we decided to walk the rest of the way.

crazy pyramid

like the band!


mike taking a picture. we also got some pizza and truffles, but i don't have any pictures of that.

the snakes!

pier 39

magnolia eating her truffle.

steve attacking some bread.

signs don't lie.

hah! gay!

mongolia and steve in the penny arcade. after that we went to ghiradelli square, but i don't have any pictures of that.

then we decided to walk up a giant hill.

it kind of sucked.

we made it to the top though.

we wanted to go to the tonga room and top of the mark, but realized we weren't sure exactly where they were.

magnolia and i waited while steve and mike figured it out.

top of the mark. there is a picture with mike in it, but it came out crappy.

mike looked so pretty with his umbrella.

i dunno about magnolia though.

he was late.

we hung out at the fairmont for a while, and then walked around the city. then we got burritos and went to some bar. i don't have pictures of that. we didn't leave the bar until 12:30 and found out that the regular busses stopped running. we walked along the j train rail, thinking it was already done for the night, but one came and steve ran to catch it.

and here we are on the train.

then we caught the night bus.


steve and magnolia in front of copeland's.

me in front of copeland's.

the drive home

c'mon shake your body baby, do the conga!

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