Title: From Yesterday - A Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles video
Song: From Yesterday by 30 Seconds To Mars
Size: 55.4 mb zipped (wmv format)
HereNotes: This is my second SCC video. Yes, it is still Derek centric. It focuses on Derek's experiences in both his past and his present, the many (dysfunctional) relationships he has, and how
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Comments 25
The vid -
well i love the song, and the opening scene's going round the empty house are brilliant, ive been waiting for that scene to be used. And then the transistion to lying on the table - perfect :P
the only thing was - at the first chorus, when the song goes into the rocky part, you use the longer clips and i cant decided whether i like it or not. Just for me the clips and mucis have to have some sort of sinc to them. and i can decide wehter yours reinforces the clips or just makes me feel that there should have been shorter clips to the faster music.
Okay - i watching it again now, i think it does reinforce it - its just me being picky.
But i did love it.
I'm glad you got to finally see this! (Hope you had a good busy weekend, not a pesky busy weekend.)
Were the slow clips the section with him and Kyle? I did fight the part with him and Kyle as that section the music was feeling like it needed more movement, but I also felt like their joy and connection needed to be reinforced so I had to give them the time. Very conflicted there.
And no worries, I appreciate the feedback, negative and positive, to help me understand how folks reacted to stuff.
work weekend but wasnt really that pesky. I am one of these odd people who doesnt mind their work.
Vid - it was Derek and Kyle and Derek with team, though im liking the slow Derek with Team bits now.
Derek with Kyle - i think while there good clips to use there it could have done with being a but faster to match the music at the moment.
I knew what I wanted but they just haven't filmed it yet! :)
And you're right, that Derek/Andy part at 1:30 does really fit those lyrics!
Great job! I loved it.
Funny bit about the beginning sequence of the vid, when I first heard the song it was the one thing I involuntarily visualized. It was only then that I started to listen to it as a possible song for SCC. I love it when that stuff happens!
And the park wee!kyle scene... I still always get misty too.
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