Vague spoilers behind cut...
First thought,
Hancock is a very short movie. Very short. Really, you cover everything shown in the trailers within the first 25 minutes, at which point you wonder where the bus is headed... and it scarily looks like it is headed to the land of
Lifetime Movie Network when it finally makes a sharp right to throw a very interesting twist to the plot.
I hadn't actually been spoiled to this plot development, and I highly recommend keeping unspoiled as to enjoy the movie a bit. The plot twist actually brings a lot of interesting potential background to the previously one-dimensional characters, sadly the potential real juicy background is barely touched upon. It oddly reminded me quiet a bit of the Doctor and River Song, but I better not say more than that.
The plot is quickly wrapped up with a fancy shiny bow and a heart stamped moon (one of those is for real in the movie), which makes it an enjoyable enough summer movie.
In terms of the performances Jason Bateman does a beautiful job as the well meaning every man, Will Smith tries to be sleazy but is still hawt through most of the movie, and Charlize Theron beautifully underplays her role through most of the movie, plus Buddy Garritty from FNL and Leonard from BBT actually make an appearance!
I'd say it's worthwhile movie if there is really nothing else at the multi-plex or if you've already seen Iron Man as the effect look nice on the big screen. Otherwise, wait for the DVD.