Doctor/Martha Prompt Five

Apr 16, 2008 23:31

Title: V.
Pairing: The Doctor/Martha
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Prompt: 5. You can be like me.
Disclaimer: Belongs to the Beeb, who coincidently also own my soul.

When she stood before him on the Valiant, she was a different woman. He remembers the way her shoulders squared. She wasn't afraid anymore.

She'd killed while she was down there, he could tell.

She used to look at him like he was a mentor. A teacher in the ways of the universe.

When she walks away from him, she looks at him like an equal. He made her like that. A well-seasoned traveler who knew what it was like to shape the world and to end a life.

She's like him, now.

He can only hope she isn't alone, too.

doctor who, doctor who: doctor/martha

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