Title: XIV.
Pairing: The Doctor/Martha
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Prompt: 14. I'm awake and you're breathing.
Disclaimer: Belongs to the Beeb, who coincidently also own my soul.
"It's 3 in the morning," she says as she pours him a glass of wine. "But you don't really get TARDIS jet-lag, do you?"
He takes the glass and smiles a little. "Not really."
"Are you injured? Is everything okay?" Her hands check his pulse and temperature, and then rest on his chest.
"Vitals are strong. You're breathing all right."
"So nothing I didn't already know then," he replies, trying on a smirk for size.
She rolls her eyes. "You never change. Never want me to help you."
But that's the whole reason he's here. He wonders why she doesn't see that.