+ School getting tons better
+ New Crush!
- Getting really upset over past events
+ Getting doughnuts with Paul for Margo's birthday
+ Becoming better friends with the "boys"
- Being sad
- Anniversaries
+ Valentines day
+ Dating Paul
+ Meeting new people and making new friends!
- Dating Paul
+ Talking to Ryan again
+ Taking Greg to BWI
+ Bonding with Miriam
- The whole Paul-dumping-me fiasco
- No more closet at home
+ Jessica!
+ The Mountain Goats
+ The Boredoms
+ Climbing trees with two of my favorite people on my birthday
- My grandfather dying on my birthday
- Someone forgetting to tell me about the wire /ahem (on my birthday)
+ Rockband
+ Miriam's Sedar (am I spelling that right? I hope so!)
+ Ketchup hands! Garrrgh!
+ Manatees (oh wait was that a plus? That should be a minus!)
- Going home
+ Wedding!
+ Work
+ Visit from Miriam and Paul and Patrick
+ Visiting Miriam
+ Ocean City
+ Fourth of July with favorite friends
+ Cute boy thinks I'm cute!
+ Vacation
- Vacation
+ Feeling free
+ Date!
+ Visiting SMCM/Patrick
- Jake the Flake happenstance
+ Taking Patrick Shopping/Visiting Miriam one last time pre-Thailand
- More JtheF happenstance
-No more Miriam :(
+ School
+ P being a horrendous Fake Gay BFF
- Being scared
+ Doing some of the things on my list
+ Making new friends!
+ New experiences
- Feeling like a child of divorce
- Insecurities
+ Going to parties
+ Halloween
+ Dating Patrick
+ Still dating Patrick
+ Academically, best semester I've ever had (and with a 3.25 I think that says a lot, haha)
+++++++++++ MIRIAM'S BACK
So, I guess this has been my best year yet. I mean... my first year of college sucked. I wasn't quite depressed, but I was as close as I get. This year has been pretty great. Yeah, the end of summer had that little mishap, but... I feel like I've come into my own now. I don't go on chain smoking binges, listening to music and walking because I'm sad and I don't know any other way to feel better. I haven't had a panic attack. I did well in school. I'm enjoying my classes. I managed to find a boy who likes me and who I like and who makes a good companion.
Overall, last year was a success. I hope this year beats the shit out of last year--it totally has the potential to.
I mean, I'm in classes I'm horrendously interested in, Miriam's back, and there's Italy in the Fall.
I meant to stay up all night and read Pride and Prejudice... instead I spent two hours reading webcomics and writing this :D