unafraid_ Jun 09, 2006 19:29
misc: requests
unafraid_ May 30, 2006 18:09
movie: se7en, misc: so much better than sex
unafraid_ May 18, 2006 18:59
tv: prison break, tv: the x-files
unafraid_ May 09, 2006 18:30
tv: lost
unafraid_ May 01, 2006 20:57
actor: david duchovny, tv: the x-files
unafraid_ Apr 23, 2006 08:12
tv: prison break, tv: lost, tv: alias
unafraid_ Apr 09, 2006 20:01
actor: david duchovny, misc: so much better than sex, tv: the x-files, tv: alias
unafraid_ Apr 04, 2006 20:24
misc: tutorial
unafraid_ Mar 26, 2006 09:23
movie: serenity, misc: so much better than sex, tv: the x-files, tv: alias
unafraid_ Mar 06, 2006 23:14
movie: 25th hour, movie: eternal sunshine, movie: brokeback mountain