Title: Chapter 9 Fandom: Breakfast with Scot Pairing: Eric/Sam Rating: PG13ish Summary: Beginnings story cont'd Disclaimer: No ownership of characters of course
Oh my. Eric is NOT going to like this. And poor Sam, stuck between the proverbial rock and a hard place -- like Eric's head!
The thing is, I know people like Eric, folks who cower inside that sad, dark closet, scared to death about what other people would think of them if they only knew the truth. What's funny is, most of the time everybody has figured it out already and couldn't care less. Sad....
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The thing is, I know people like Eric, folks who cower inside that sad, dark closet, scared to death about what other people would think of them if they only knew the truth. What's funny is, most of the time everybody has figured it out already and couldn't care less. Sad....
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