(no subject)

Dec 21, 2007 00:03

NAME: Devin Kuhl

AGE/BIRTHDATE: 28 / 16 January 1979


FAIRYTALE: Bluebeard.

ABILITY: Inspiring fear.

HISTORY: Born to a fairly nice upper class family, Devin never really wanted for anything. Her father had a very good job, her mother was a homemaker, so there was always enough money and someone there for her. For whatever reason, from a young age Devin did not fit in there. Devin knew from a very young age that there was something different about her. She wasn't like the rest of the kids: her mind was not occupied with thoughts of dolls and playing house. Even just being a tomboy didn't explain it. Tomboys played with the boys and did boy-things; Devin preferred to be by herself. She altered her appearance to alienate herself further - she dyed her hair black, wore dark clothes and chains and got tattoos, when she was old enough. Heavy make-up helped, too.

When she was younger, her parents bought her dolls, and she took the scissors to them. Barbie Dream Mansions were turned into elaborate crime scenes, and the psychiatrist her doting mother forced her to see reported that she was showing sociopathic tendencies and at the moment, had a conduct disorder.

By the time Devin was grown enough to get out of seeing her psychiatrist, she was already on lithium and prozac. But therapy wasn't going anywhere, and she knew that it wouldn't. There was something different, something inside of her that she could feel bubbling at the surface. The dreams and day-visions she had were so vivid and real and only became moreso as she got older. She had memories of not only Bluebeard's life, but the lives of several other people, most of whom were killers as well. It was only when the visions became clear enough, with enough detail, for her to research what she'd seen that she made the discovery of who she really was.

She'd been through several past reincarnations, and in total had spent over eighty years in prison. She'd been executed six times; that was the main theme running through it all. Each of her lives was very short, ending in execution for her crimes. Devin was fairly sure that there was no way to escape the past, but she didn't have to make the same mistakes that she had before. This time she'd been born a bit smarter, she told herself.

Instead of letting herself be overtaken with the need to kill, she wrote books about it. Her crime novels are often touted as some of the most realistic on the market; writing about vicious killings has earned her fame and fortune, and managed to keep her out of trouble by getting her aggression out on paper, rather than spilling anyone's blood. Still, the urge to kill is there, almost always right below the surface, simmering.

Devin views life in a different way from many people; her waking life is of little importance to her, and she often gets caught up in the stories she's writing. She has a difficult time, sometimes, of distinguishing reality from fantasy. She doesn't think she is capable of any kinds of lasting relationships, particularly not romantic ones, though she does manage to "fake normal" well enough to have passing acquaintances.

Her career has taken her everywhere, most recently she finished a European booksigning tour. She has a comfortable apartment on Avenue B, which is where she lives when she's not out on tour. There's something about the city that suits her, and she'd never dream of leaving it.

PERSONALITY: Devin is, at best, emotionally stunted. At worst, she's a complete sociopath. She is concerned only with herself and her own well-being, never putting anyone else's needs before her own. That she doesn't kill anyone like her past reincarnations should not be taken as a sign of good will or humanity - she isn't a killer in this life because she doesn't want to spend years in jail or be executed, this time around.

Devin is more masculine than feminine, in her general behavior. She frequently engages in risky and thrill-seeking behavior, including drug and alcohol use and promiscuity, plus the occasional shoplifting and vandalism. She has a sealed childhood criminal record, when she 'collected' several of the neighborhood pets. She has absolutely no problem with who (or what) she is, and no shame whatsoever about her past. In fact, she brags about it more often than not.

SEXUALITY: Heterosexual.

TURN-ONS: Kinky, fucked up stuff. Roughness. Dark, tortured soul types.

TURN-OFFS: Religious fanatics, close-minded people, romance.

PERSONAL PLAYLIST: Girl Anachronism [The Dresden Dolls], John Wayne Gacy, Jr [Sufjan Stevens].

WARDROBE SAMPLE: Vast collection of t-shirts. Plus some Dickies and wifebeaters.

THE PARTNERS IN CRIME: Like-minded individuals who Devin chooses to spend her time with.

THE THERAPIST: Someone who feels they can "change" or "save" Devin, despite all of her arguments to the contrary.

THE GOOD TIME: Someone who Devin lets her hair down with, no strings attached.

THE HEART OF GOLD: - Phoenix - Someone who's (relatively) pure and who Devin has her eye on. Oddly, Devin would never dream of hurting this person.

THE MANIPULATED: Someone who Devin just has wrapped around her little finger.

THE MORAL COMPASS: Someone whose advice Devin actually heeds, because it's realistic and not idealistic. This is someone who Devin can go to, day or night, to ask for help. And vice versa. She actually trusts this person.

THE POLAR OPPOSITE: - Allison - Someone who Devin is friends with, though no one knows why. They're completely different, but compliment each other so well.

If you're interested in filling any of the above roles, comment here or IM me.
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