WARNING: DEAD ANIMALS! MANY DEAD ANIMALS! Don't look if you're sensitive! I have to apologize because I don't realize all the time that most people have less of a strong stomach for depravity and are unwilling to stare in the face of soulless horror.
what the fuck???
http://www.zwsafaris.com/Images/KAREN%20DUIKER.JPGI KILT THIS BABY SIZE DEER.
Wow, Debra is wiping out the megafauna singlehandedly! She killed one of everything!
http://www.zwsafaris.com/Images/Picture010.jpghttp://www.zwsafaris.com/Images/BARTS%20LEOPARD.jpgARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME????
http://www.zwsafaris.com/photogallery/Photos%202002/fords%20warthog.jpgdude lol I kilt this Sable Antelope then I played some Doom
http://www.zwsafaris.com/photogallery/skullpicture.jpgWE KILT LOTS OF THINGS tthen we boilt their heads :)
http://www.zwsafaris.com/Images/Tom%20Chilton,%20Shangaan%20Hunters.jpglol I like hamburgers and football.
http://www.zwsafaris.com/photogallery/elephantfront03.jpgLet me emphasize this. Why the FUCK would you want to shoot a fucking ELEPHANT??? They grieve for their dead and remember their friends and herdmates for decades. This is seriously upsetting. Anyone who would kill an elephant just has no soul.
http://www.zwsafaris.com/Images/Picture022.jpgWhy would you kill a Bongo? One of the most beautiful forest antelopes.
Arabian Oryx are endangered in the wild as are Sable antelope I believe...?
http://www.zwsafaris.com/Images/PETE%20SHEPLEY%20AND%20FRIENDS.JPGWERE READY TO KILL :D
Hunting for food is fine but I don't understand trophy hunting esp. these stupid canned hunts for fatassed Americans who want for nothing in their lazy lives and pay thousands to pretend that they are badass wilderness pioneers or some shit. Make no mistake if you're hunting leopards or lion or elephants, it has to be a canned hunt with some kind of sad ex-zoo relic... right? Right? They're all like, let's go to Darkest Africa, we done already kilt all the megafauna in N. America. Canned hunts are bullshit and the people who pay for them should be ashamed for their empty souls.
I'm not against all hunting across the board in any sense, I just think these displays are vulgar and immoral not to mention cowardly, notice how many Elands are shown, they are slow docile animals raised for meat and milk in some places.
i also have to imagine that the only reason you'd hunt a Duiker is to have it in your little collection, they're hardly a badass impressive animal and have teeny horns. They're like the size of a medium-large dog....