remember the dead and live. [ application - adstringendum ]

May 31, 2010 00:00

❙CANON. Samurai 7
❙CHARACTER. Katsushirou Okamoto
❙TIMELINE. Months after the series' end. Anime-verse.

Katsushirou is a samurai - a warrior who possesses a sword, usually a katana, and serves the nobility. As such, Katsushirou's main skill is with his sword. Not too powerful, right?

Except in his world, samurai are very much capable of cutting Gundam-sized mecha ( and battleships, even ) into pieces, and that they can reflect laser canon blasts with only their sword. Katsushirou, by now, is able to do both.

Katsushirou, however, may not sound as powerful as he is. He only has a small amount of experience in battle ( compared to the rest, at least ) and so he has yet to fully polish his skills. He can handle his own, yes, but he is far from the level of others like Kanbei or Kyuuzou. He follows no textbook kata, and relies more on his instincts - most of his training, after all, happened in the midst of the battlefield.

He also attained some strategy and leadership skills - probably due to exposure to his sensei - but these pale in comparison to his ability with the sword.

If Katsushirou has one weakness, however, it shall be his emotions. He had been long able to withstand the emotional aftermath of a battle, but he has yet to achieve full control over them in battle. While he can keep his calm now, there will be times that he will snap, and attack without any qualities of a samurai.

Katsushirou is only capable of wielding swords, bows or bare fists. You can never have him use a gun. Ever.

[ the dark screen welcomes the loud sound of clashing metal,  as dull colors whirl around the screen. moments later the entire chaos stops, and as the PCD finally crashes to the ground, the scenario can now be clearly seen.

two figures can be seen in the recording. one is a whimpering man, shivering on the ground. his clothes are very much tattered. he stares anxiously at the younger figure, one who possesses deep green eyes, who has a blade mere inches from the other's throat. A small glimmer can be seen in the corner of the feed - there lies another sword, thrown carelessly to the floor.

the younger one then speaks in a fierce, commanding tone - ]

Where did you take me?

[ the other man replied, still shivering with fear. ]

I-I don't know! This wasn't even in the plan! Please spare me, o samurai-sama!

[ he cowers, obviously begging for his life. fortunately for him, the green-eyed boy merely sighed, and finally sheathed his katana.

but then, as the young man walked away, the older one reached for a hidden knife and charged. the samurai turns around just in time to let his blade sing -

and the rest of the feed is obscured by a sea of thick red. ]


& adstringendum, & ooc, & application

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