Name: Kyrie
Personal Journal:
laifanContact Info: Bear Ribbon at AIM;
Name: Anthony J. Crowley (originally Crawley)
Source: Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchet
Originally, Crawley was the snake who tempted Eve into eating the apple in Eden. He's known the angel Aziraphale - the guardian of the Eastern Gate - essentially since the beginning of time. Crowley is the Hell representative stationed on Earth. He was originally an angel who fell because of negative peer pressure (that's the gist of it). It wasn't quite falling either, rather, sauntering vaguely downwards. With the passage of the centuries he changed his name to Crowley and gained a new form, that he's rather fond of. His job is to tempt souls so to increase Hell's quota. However, he isn't very good at it, or rather, he sees things differently as fellow demons. While your usual demon might tempt a nun about celibacy being so old fashioned, a salesman about taking bribery for 'higher cause' (that's if you're literally seeing the picture upside-down), in short, being really predictable, Crowley has his own means of influencing souls to take the south route after death. Those include, for example, scrambling London's phone lines during lunch hour. Eventually all the angry people will be more susceptible to negative feelings in the future.
Still, going back to History, after all the hundred of years of non-life on Earth the time for the apocalypse comes. Crowley is charged with the task of taking the anti-christ and switch him with another baby. Though things don't quite go as planned and the babies are switched alright, but with the wrong baby. Everyone's quite oblivious about it and he an Aziraphale spend 11 years watching over the supposed anti-christ to try to teach him the notion of good and evil. He and the angel had made an agreement about trying to prevent the apocalypse. Upon Warlock's (the kid who ended up not being the anti-christ) eleventh birthday, Crowley finds out he's not the child who's supposed to bring the end of days because he's supposed to get his very own hell hound that day.
After some serious searching and failed map reading and bickering about the way like a married couple Crowley and Aziraphale make their way to where the babies had been switched. They can't find any clue, though but the angel finds a book of accurate prophecies and gets spoiled about...stuff. Although before he can warn Crowley where the antichrist is (who's called Adam, the irony) he's quite accidentally discorporated and sent back to Heaven. Meanwhile Crowley is having a slight trouble with maggots of the demonic kind but manages to escape. Both angel and demon go on their separate ways to reach Adam before it's too late (meanwhile a lot of weird things are happening worldwide). In the end they succeed and the world doesn't end. The end.
Crowley is probably Hell's most approachable demon. He still has demon quirks of wanting to do evil, only in his case evil is most likely mischievousness. He's like a kid with a slingshot in a china store - does a lot of damage but hardly anyone gets hurt by it. His version of evil doing includes freezing phone lines in London during lunch break, for example - that way people will get angry and that will deteriorate their souls, making them more susceptible to hell. But, still, he's not a fan of unnecessary violence and death. Quoting the book, "he was all in favor of Armageddon in general terms". He will also comply to Aziraphale's requests about harming people. During a paintball fight he turns the soldier's guns into real guns but he wasn't planning on letting anyone die - all of them would have had miraculous escapes. In his opinion the demons hardly have to lift a finger to corrupt humans because he finds that they already seem to be inclined to corrupt themselves. He believes that the kind of torture and evil his fellow demons provide to them is unneccessary and absurd. Again, quoting from the book, "Crowley rather liked people. It was a major failing in a demon."
He and Aziraphale have been friends for over 9000 the greater part of their existence. Their relationship can be considered friendly, as they had come to an Arrangement over the years. Since they had known each other for millennia there was no need for them to fight each other, as they felt closer to each other than to their respective sides (but don't count on either of them to outright say it any time soon), especially after they were stationed on Earth.
Crowley is sarcastic (after Aziraphale fixes Anathema's bike he says "Oh Lord, heal this bike"), witty and cynical most times. He's also very optimistic. He loves technology, especially his car, which he likes to drive above any and all speed limits but always manages to avoid accidents. He has a watch that tells time in 21 different countries, a pen that writes underwater, a great sound surround system and a computer. He owns a stylish apartment, though he doesn't spend much time there. His hobbies include all sorts of pranks and also terrifying his plants.
For all his friendly tendencies, he's not overly friendly with people. Most times he'll let Aziraphale do the talking. If he needs something from a person, he'll most likely use hypnotism to obtain the information instead of persuading the person the 'human' way. He also doesn't hesitate in killing a fellow kin in the most gruesome way (holy water) so he can have a chance to prevent the end of days. The only thing he wants is to be left to his own devices and continue having fun in a world he's learned to like.
The prospect of accidentally doing a good deed unsettles him, as he wonders if the whole deal with the apple in Eden was considered good or bad. Also, while he curses, he doesn't really say 'thank God' given he's a demon but he doesn't say the standard 'thank Satan' most demons use. Most of times he'll slip from God to Satan and usually ends up with a generic 'somebody', which shows how much he is in neutral ground.
Biggest Fear: Probably that their Arrangement would dissolve at some point or that the angel would disappear. He acts tough, but his only friend is Aziraphale. He's more insecure than he seems - much more - and he really does care about the angel, as is shown when he rushes into Aziraphale's burning book shop to go save him. As for his uneasiness about good deeds, it's not really a fear because he already does them (for example he resurrected a dove during Aziraphale's magic trick at the party)
Being a demon Crowley has all kinds of cool abilities:
- he can change matter and space, meaning he can change an item to something else (i.e: change toy guns into real riffles, doesn't kill anyone while driving at a crazy speed);
- he can change his own form, although he doesn't like this much since he's afraid he'll get stuck in another form;
- he can choose not to be affected by his surroundings (i.e: rain, fire, etc...)
- he can heal himself, repair damage in objects (his car) and even resurrect beings (the dove). He also can go from drunk to sober in seconds;
- he speaks to plants (he likes to torture his poor plants);
- he can cause hypnosis to normal people and wipe their memories if he chooses to;
- related to his ability of changing forms, he can travel through very tight spaces (like say a phone line) at incredible speed;
- he has no trouble seeing in the dark;
- can wish things into being;
- can hold back time in a way, as he does to prevent his burning car from collapsing completely - this ability as well as the one of wishing up things is connected to his imagination. In the book it's stated he imagines the car as functional while using his powers. The moment he stops, the car crumbles apart;
- has wings that can emerge at any time.
Powers in Jigoku:
- he'll keep his changing form skills;
- he'll have his self healing abilities but they will be reduced (meaning that if a ghost hurls a glass at him he will get cut as opposed to unharmed and only mighty pissed). He'll be able to heal minor injuries almost instantly but the process will take longer depending on the extent of his wounds. He can still get inconveniently discorporated (aka die);
- he'll still be able to understand all manners of speech;
- seeing in the dark is a go too;
- instead of outright hypnotising people the most he'll get should he try is a sort of entice about himself, to which the victim can resist or not;
- still be able to hold back time in a way (not really, he just has a powerful imagination) but that will be hard and he most likely will only be able to hold things together for a few minutes. His ability to conjure up items will be gone;
- he won't be able to change to his winged form.