
Feb 08, 2033 12:30

Greetings. As I'm sure you've figured out already, you have reached the voicemail of Jade Curtiss, Third Division, Malkuth Imperial Forces. If you absolutely must, then please leave a message after the beep.


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Comments 96

IC | voicemail invisibleeffect September 15 2011, 08:07:50 UTC
Just so you know, I bought those ribbons special for you.


I missed your spaaaam ;A;/ uncute_one September 15 2011, 08:48:31 UTC
Oh? Are you still going on about that?

[Lalalala nope Jade doesn't look groggy. Nor does his hair look a bit tangled from sleeping so long. Nor does he look even younger without his glasses on. Nope, not at all.]


i have a lot to make up for now~ invisibleeffect September 15 2011, 08:53:24 UTC
[....does he notice those ribbons tied around his wrist yet? Or maybe those few thin ones in his hair? He went through all of that trouble of making him look pretty...] Hmm? It would seem so, yes.

It's nice to see you're awake, Princess. [Just a bit teasing, but he was genuinely glad. Younger? Non-tangled hair? Groggy? Nope. He didn't notice at all~]


i look forward to each and every one~! indigaytion September 15 2011, 09:20:19 UTC
[Yep, in fact, he's oh-so-casually tugging off the ones around his wrists.]

I'd rather have slept longer. In fact, isn't the princess supposed to sleep for all eternity under the wicked spell of the witch?


IC | voicemail | 'tis a new month, after all~ invisibleeffect October 8 2011, 22:10:05 UTC
Jaaade. Halloween's going to be here before we know it. I was thinking... let's do something. I'm sure I'll have no troubles at all finding a suitable costume for you, too.


Can't let Jade have peace for too long~ uncute_one October 10 2011, 11:29:44 UTC
Ah, Halloween. I don't think I'll ever understand that holiday. Or most others. But anyway, Mille was talking about a dress earlier. But I'd look far better in my uniform, don't you think?


Never. He'd feel so unloved if there was peace I'm sure. invisibleeffect October 11 2011, 04:12:31 UTC
I don't think there's anything to really understand nowadays. Other than it's a time to dress up and get free candy. [Or something like that, anyway.] As dashing as you look in your uniform, you'd probably be even more breathtaking in a dress. I could do your hair for you. We could add some curls...


He does feed on tears and misery, after all~ uncute_one October 12 2011, 11:26:45 UTC
Well, it's simply strange that the origins and the outcomes differ so vastly. But no matter! I'm afraid I'll have to decline. I already have everything prepared, after all!


video | happily spammin' the place up again. invisibleeffect November 7 2011, 09:36:46 UTC
JAAAAAAAADE. JADE. JADE. JAAAAAADE. [Good morning, Jade. How can you dismiss that cheerful tone and smile that's currently on the screen of your dreamberry?] You know what we need to do sometime?

GO OUT AND PLAY IN THE SNOW. [You have no idea how long he's been holding this back.]


video | yaaay! it felt lonely without you uncute_one November 7 2011, 11:49:53 UTC
[Oh sweet Yulia what is that cheerfully terrible squawking coming out from his Dreamberry.]

I fail to see the appeal of snow. [It brings back far too many memories.]


video | i'll show it all my love. invisibleeffect November 7 2011, 12:03:55 UTC
[Canada has a deep love of snow and the cold. ...and a tolerance for it and sometimes hatred for it.]

It's... snow. I guess it's either there or not, but I mean... if you don't want to go out and do things, we don't have to.


video | Always so sweeet uncute_one November 7 2011, 14:42:35 UTC
[Jade is kind of....'eh' towards it. Snow is snow.]

Well, I don't really have a preference either way. Oh well. I do need to practice my aiming skills.


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