nice info, how is Maine. i miss it alot. how have you been. long time hearing from ya. take it easy, SAT's arnt the end of the world, but they really do suck. later Kiddo. see ya Chainsaw/ Jesse Roberts
ok, First I want to appoligize for what I said.. Obviously it doesnt make up for it. I know I was wrong, and honestly I only said it cause I wanted amanda to win. I know, stupid.. But I heard that you lied and blah blah blah blah blah.. And that just made me mad that amanda didnt win even more. You did a good job, honestly. And i dunno, Im not really into pagents and some people were like, she did bad, and I didnt think so but I thought I just didnt know what to look for so I was like, ohk? And thats why I got upset, plus the fact that I had been going through some other stuff that just has been retarded! So obviously this whole message probably doesnt matter, but I said it, its over with, Im sorry, I hope you have a good reign as Miss. Limestone, Represent us well! And good luck in the Merchant Merines and whatever you decide to do after high school. That was none of my business to stick my nose into and for that I am sorry. Take Care!
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