finola is my hero

Feb 20, 2007 09:27

i'm reading 1984 again, and that always sorta messes with my mind, or really just freaks me out about the world we live in. and then now i came across this person who's trying to translate his/her made up language into braille. now how does she describe this language ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

stop_the_clocks February 20 2007, 18:06:51 UTC
Yeah, I'm pretty condescending too when it comes to language shit like that. With 120 words, the language will be stilted and ugly. You won't be able to say what you want, much less say it in an eloquent and beautiful way, which makes it entirely useless. The reason English is so advanced, and seen by many as so wonderful, is because of its diversity of language. There are various ways of saying any one thing, and its users can combine and create new ways. (I personally don't approve of butchering it with textspeak, but you know what I mean.)



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