※ Pairing - Fragileshipping
※ Warnings - It's one of my older stories.
※ Disclaimer - I obviously don't own it.
[Ryou’s Diary: Entry 296 - Date: December 6th, 1997 (Age: 11)]
Dear Diary,
Well, I was dropped off at Yami’s today. It’s a Saturday and Dad had to catch his flight. He was running late as it was so he left in a hurry. Mr. Motou, who insists I call him Grandpa (because all of Yugi’s friends do), helped me move into the guestroom. I didn’t say anything about not being one of Yugi’s friends. I will be here until February I think, depending on how important this dig becomes.
I said that I was sorry to be intruding on their lives and that I’d try to stay out of the way as much as possible. Mr. Motou told me that I was now apart of their family, so I should make myself at home. I said thank you, but we both know that I won’t. It feels funny and I miss my dad already and it hasn’t even been a day yet.
Maybe he was right. I am attached to him like an infant.
Sorry, I’m getting depressed again and you’re the only one I can talk to. The only other person I have to talk to is on a flight to Cairo, Egypt some million odd miles away from me. And he doesn’t want his infant son to run up Mr. Motou’s phone bill by calling out to Egypt just to talk about his problems. (Did I just refer to you as a person?)
I know I’m being selfish, but I don’t want to be alone anymore! I want someone who I can count on any time that I need them. You’d figure that a father would be that person, but no, not for Ryou Bakura. He doesn’t have anyone. It’s like there’s this rule written somewhere that I don’t know about that states ‘Ryou Bakura can not have any friends or family. He is to forever be alone and uncared for.’
- Ryou