[YGO Fic] Chibi For A Day - Part Thirty Six

Jan 24, 2007 15:07

※ Part Thirty Six: Yami’s turn!
※ Warnings - None - just remember that this is the unrevised version.
※ Disclaimer - I obviously don't own it.

Yugi groaned as something poked him in the nose. He brushed it away and rolled over to go back to sleep.

“’Ugi!” A voice called out urgently and Yugi remembered who exactly was in the bed with him.

Upon opening his eyes he looked around the room to realize that only he and Yami Bakura were there. He looked up at the chibi as Yami Bakura was sitting up. The chibi looked frightened about something and Yugi was wide-awake upon realizing this. “Bakura? Where are the others?” He wondered.

Yami Bakura pointed to the closet across the room. Yugi raised an eyebrow in question but didn’t say anything out loud as he got off the bed and went over to the closet. Upon opening it his eyes went wide at what he saw.

“Oh my god…”


“Happy to have me back?” Joey wondered as he rested within Seto’s arms.

“Of course I am, though you make a very cute baby.” Seto said as he kissed Joey’s bare shoulder. The two of them had opted to stay by themselves in the room they’d slept in. It was obvious that Yami was a chibi today. “Do you remember anything?” He wondered.

“Very little.” Joey shook his head. “I know that my Red Eyes is called Ba, but that’s really all of it.”

“Why’d you name it Ba?” Seto wondered.

Joey just shrugged, “That’s easy, beca-”

“Joey! Seto! Come and help me!” Yugi’s voice suddenly came from the other side of the hall.

Joey, who’d pulled on a pair of shorts, jumped off the bed, with Seto right behind him. The two of them made their way to Yugi’s room. Once seeing inside Joey began to laugh. “Why’d you tie Malik and Marik up and put them in the closet?” He wondered as he saw Yugi untying Malik.

“I didn’t.” Yugi growled as he finished with the young chibi and then began on Marik’s binds. “I woke up and they were here. Bakura was the only chibi I found. And since I see that Seto’s still himself, I’m guessing that this is Yami’s doing.” Yugi sighed as he ungagged Marik. “He did warn me, I should have listened to him.” He shook his head.

Seto raised an eyebrow as he counted the chibis. It seemed like more than one was missing. “Um, where’s Ryou?” He wondered.

Yugi looked around the room then searched within the closet. “He’s not in here.” He groaned. “You three stay here.” He looked at the chibis. “We’d better find Mokuba too.” He said as he ran out of the room, followed by Joey, and Seto.

Downstairs they found Mokuba tied to a chair in front of the TV. On the TV was Much Music and a Britney Spears concert. Seto quickly untied his brother as Joey turned off the TV.

“What happened to your hair?” Joey wondered, looking at Mokuba’s new style.

“Yami cut it! Seto!” Mokuba whined, covering his head with his hands.

“Not bad…” Seto muttered, then blinked as he realized his brother was glared at him.

“Have you seen Yami or Ryou?” Yugi wondered as Mokuba pouted.

“Yeah, how do you think I got tied to a chair?” Mokuba grumbled, “They went into the kitchen and haven’t come out for the last two hours.”

Yugi ran into the kitchen only to stop in his tracks. The entire room was covered in white powder and by the smell of it, it was flour. Having a flashback of what had happened at school in his cooking class Yugi whimpered as he searched the piles for any sign of movement. There was none.

Joey gasped at the mess, but made his way through the foot deep flour. He trudged over to the little alcove that was made up of three counters, the stove and fridge. He looked down at the floor and grinned, “Hey Yug, come ‘ere.” He said and Yugi quickly followed him, both Seto and Mokuba behind him.

Two small bodies were curled within the fluffy white powder and Yugi breathed a sigh of relief when they both stirred slightly. Ryou coughed as he moved, rolling onto his back. Slowly brown eyes opened and blinked up in confusion as he looked at the faces staring back at him. Before he could say anything however he was pounced on.

“Wyou!” Chibi Yami Bakura cried out happily as he glomped his lighter half. Not ones to be left out, Chibi Malik and Chibi Marik joined in, causing a huge cloud of white to surround everyone and waking Yami.

Everyone coughed and gagged until the cloud of puff disappeared. Yugi found himself staring down at five flour-covered chibis. He bent down and picked one chibi up and then looked into the crimson eyes staring back at him. Yami looked too adorable with his ‘I-didn’t-do-it’ look.

Yugi smiled and placed the spirit chibi on the counter by the sink. Flour hadn’t reached it so it was easier to get as much of the flour off of the child as he could. “Joey, can you grab Ryou?” Yugi wondered, “I’ll give them a bath first, then we’ll work on the other three.” He sighed, seeing as how Yami Bakura, Marik and Malik weren’t as coated as the other two.

Ryou whined, “Anotha’ baf? No baf…” He whimpered as he looked up at Joey with his sweet innocent dark brown chibi eyes.

Joey gulped, “Um, dude, he’s doing that eye thing…” He muttered, handing the chibi to Seto. Seto looked at Ryou as Ryou looked at Seto.

Ryou sneezed.

“Oops. Sowwy.” Ryou giggled as Seto wiped his face off.

Yami suddenly pouted, “I’m Phawaoh! I no take baf wit swave!” He crossed his arms.

Yugi blinked, “You think Ryou’s a slave?” He muttered.

Yami looked at him, still pouting, “Yes! My swave! Swave can take baf afta’ me.” He was dead set against bathing with anyone else.

Yugi didn’t like the idea of his yami being selfish and egotistical, especially at the age he was now. “Normally, I’d bend to your will because I love you, but you can’t treat my friends, even if they are chibis, as slaves Yami. But fine, you won’t bathe with Ryou.”

“Good.” Yami nodded, seeing he had gotten his way.

“You’ll bathe with Malik and Marik.” Yugi finished and with that, plucked the chibi off of the counter and carried the struggling boy up the stairs to the bathroom. Joey was carrying Malik and Marik so they didn’t track flour all through the house.

Seto realized he was stuck with the other two as Mokuba had conveniently slipped out of the room a while ago. He felt a light tap on his kneecap. Upon looking down he spotted Yami Bakura.

“Mista’ Seto man? Can I have my haitawi back?” The chibi wondered shyly.

Seto sighed and set the other chibi back on the floor.


This was ludicrous! Him! The son of a pharaoh, the future pharaoh, bathing with common slaves! The small tri-coloured haired boy glared at the two ‘slaves’ sitting on the other side of the tub. Malik was happily playing with the little yellow duck while Marik kept watch, occasionally glaring over at Yami.

“This would be funny if they weren’t so serious.” Joey sighed as he poured a small container of water over Malik’s head. The chibi squealed and then began to giggle as he splashed Marik. Marik grinned at his other half and splashed him back gently.

“I know.” Yugi muttered as he used the portable showerhead to wet Yami’s hair. The flour, now that it was wet began to clump together and it floated in the water. “Yami, they aren’t slaves, they’re your friends.” Yugi tried again.

“Fwiends?” Yami asked softly, unsure, then he pouted again, “No fwiends! ‘Ami have no fwiends!” The chibi insisted.

“If only Tea could hear him now.” Joey mumbled as he plucked a clean Malik out of the tub. As he helped the chibi to dry off, Marik tried to get the flour out of his hair. Seeing him struggling, Joey smiled to himself and set out to help him, Malik settled in his lap so he could help too.

Yugi looked at his other half; “Of course they’re your friends Yami! But they won’t want to be if you continue calling them slaves. And Ryou’s sick; he can’t get any better if you drag him all over the house. Did you give him a choice?” He wondered.

“No, Wyou wanted to stay with Batuwa. He my swave, I take him when I pwease.” Yami crossed his arms.

“Why Wyou?” Marik wondered casually as he slipped out of the tub with Joey’s help.

“I no wike you and Batuwa’s not a swave. I want swave who wiww wisten but not be afwaid.” Yami explained as simply as he could. “And Mawik wouwd ‘ave hit me with his Wod.”

Yugi sighed, but then he wondered why Yami Bakura wasn’t seen as a slave like the others. Shaking his head, he picked Yami up and wrapped a towel around him. “Joey, can you get them dressed while I clean out the tub?” He wondered.

“Sure Yug, come on guys.” The blonde picked up Yami and made sure that Marik and Malik were following him.

After the tub was cleaned of the flour, so it wouldn’t clog the drain, he went downstairs to gather up the last two chibis. He found Mai, Tea, Tristan and Duke were there. Tea and Tristan were watching TV with Joey, Yami, Malik and Marik while Duke and Mai were in the kitchen helping Seto, Ryou and Yami Bakura clean up. The vacuum had sucked up most of the flour and as Yugi watched he saw Yami Bakura hide behind Duke’s leg as Seto turned the vacuum on.

“We still on for the museum today Yugi?” Mai asked as she picked Ryou up and placed him over by the sink to try to get some of the flour off of him.

“I think so.” Yugi nodded as he made his way over to Ryou. “How are you feeling Ryou?” He wondered, looking up at the sick chibi where he sat on the counter.

“Thick.” The little boy replied with a sniff. Tears suddenly appeared within the child’s eyes and one tracked down his face, collecting flour as it dried along his chin. “’Ugi, I don’t feew good. I want my ‘ami.” The child sniffed again, two more tears following the first.

Yugi nodded as he picked Yami Bakura up off the floor and set him on the counter beside Ryou. Ryou immediately curled up into a ball and leaned against Yami Bakura, who in turn wrapped an arm around his light. Smiling softly Yugi looked up at Mai, “I don’t think Ryou will be going, but that means someone will have to stay and look after him.”

“I’ll stay.” Duke said as he swept some of the flour into a pile for Seto to suck up with the vacuum cleaner. His jet-black hair tinted gray from the flour still floating in the air.

“Why would you want to stay with a sick brat?” Seto wondered briefly, it was mostly a thought to himself, but it had been said out loud.

Duke’s eyes narrowed, “He’s not a brat Kaiba. He’s only a brat to you because he’s not your little Joey.” The dark-haired boy rolled his eyes.

“Pwease no fight.” Ryou murmured unhappily as he held his head.

Yugi went over to a cupboard and climbed up. Once there he opened one of the higher cupboards and pulled down the children’s Tylenol that had been left from before when Malik was sick. He got two of them, then put the bottle back before jumping down onto the floor and handing them to Ryou. “Take these, they’ll make you feel better.” He promised and Ryou nodded, putting them into his mouth and chewing the grape flavoured pills.

“Well, now that that’s settled and this place is cleaned up, we should probably get the two of you cleaned up as well.” Yugi smiled slightly at the two chibis.

Ryou whined, “I don’t wan’ anotha’ baf.’

yugioh, toc

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