Title: Oh God
Fandom: 21 Jump Street
Characters: Dennis Booker/Tom Hanson
Prompt: #58 - Dinner
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: I don’t know why he’s been set up on a date, but that’s not important. Sequel to ‘Spirit’
Table - - -
“Oh god, it is a date.” Hanson groaned as he glanced at the table for two. A candle sat in the middle, burning happily.
Booker snorted, motioning for Hanson to sit first, “I didn’t have a choice either. Let’s just eat.” He blew out the candle before sitting down.
“Good plan.”
Conversation was slow and awkward and Hanson wondered what Judy had threatened Booker with to get him here. Eventually they found a common interest in the saxophone and it grew from there.
By the end of the night, Hanson realized something, “God, Judy was right. I do like you.”