Title: Flashback
Fandom: 21 Jump Street
Characters: Dennis Booker/Tom Hanson
Prompt: #43 - Square
Word Count: 115
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: Mentions things from ‘Chapel of Love’ season 2.
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“You were such a geek in high school.” Booker snickered, flipping the page of a photo album he’d found in Hanson’s living room.
“Yes, yes I was.” Tom took a gulp of his beer.
“Date much?” Booker flipped another page.
“Oh yeah…well, a little.” Tom paused, “Okay, there was one girl from a dance.” He muttered quietly.
Realizing he’d brought up bad memories, Booker nudged Tom’s arm. “Hey, I’d have dated you.”
Tom looked at him with something akin to appreciation in his eyes, but then he snorted into his beer. “No you wouldn’t have.”
Booker smirked, “Yeah, you’re probably right.”
Tom rolled his eyes, but looked at the other, “Thanks Dennis.”
“Heh. No problem.”