Title: Like A Rock
Fandom: 21 Jump Street
Characters: Dennis Booker/Tom Hanson
Prompt: #48 - Diamond
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: none
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“Who’s it from?” Penhall asked yet again as he’d been badgering Hanson about the silver earring he’d noticed that morning. “That rock looks real.”
“It is. Found it in my Cap'n Crunch this morning.” Hanson muttered.
“Cap'n Crunch?”
“Cap'n Crunch.” Hanson confirmed.
Booker suddenly walked by, dropping a folder on Hanson’s desk, pausing to smile at the sitting officer. A matching stud in Booker’s ear caught Penhall’s attention.
Hanson smiled at him before Booker walked away and the smile remained even after he’d gone.
Penhall looked at Hanson. “Cap'n Crunch.”
Hanson nodded, hiding behind the folder. “Cap'n Crunch.”
Penhall snorted.