Jason sat quietly with his hands folded neatly on the table in the
five-star restaurant he and Bruce both agreed on. A little more dressed down than his previous encounter with his former father, the vigilante wore a clean black suit with a thin, powder blue tie that disappeared underneath the expertly-tailored buttons. The plain white dress shirt underneath collared just underneath the top of his scar. Again, Talia had spared no expense in getting exactly what Jason needed in order to bring Bruce down slowly but surely and he knew that tonight, he would have to keep excellent control over himself. No wine. No beer. Just water all night. The alcohol didn't have any particularly terrible effect on him, but he wanted to be at the top of his game whilst around the man who had let him die.
His blackberry, which sat directly to the right of his hand, made sure to remind him of that as he made one last double check of his feed into surveillance. Cameras five and six were pointed at his table and those were the most important two, but he would continue to keep an eye on any who might come in through the front door, especially considering how Black Mask wanted Red Hood's head on a silver platter. Any gangster who might recognize his voice had already been tagged for facial recognition in his phone and it would vibrate if any came in.
As he leaned back in his chair a little, Jason took in the atmosphere of the place. It neared seven in the evening and was late, but not for the high class places. They had a waiting line out to the forty-five minute mark and he couldn't help but feel a little exclusive for his seat inside.