I had a wonderful weekend...
Getting cut open on Friday, then enjoying Wendy's with my one and only while watching a movie that is better in english. Playing video games and finally kicking your ass in Soul Calabur, aside the fact that you couldnt block. Convincing my parents to let me take the car, and a long night of talking on the phone.
Saturday picking up my check and basically doing nothing. I enjoyed doing nothing though, it was a good change of pace. Then Saturday night going over my baby's house and playing cards. Interesting.
Sunday just hanging out. Snowing like a bitch, and I fucked up my car. I swear, it wasnt me, it was the snow. I'm a good driver when there's no snow on the ground and no parked cars in front of me ♥. Then, just hanging out.
Monday, just driving around. Making a few purchaces and enjoying some good laughs. Monday night, getting no sleep. It's really not the cold that gets you, it's the wind chill. But all in all it was worth it, it always is.
Good long weekend :) ♥
Today, midterms which sucked. Maddie comming over for some good inhaling and exhaling, finally teaching her how to play SC. Then, long drives into Boston with Jenna. Pit stops at Starbucks and gas station. Meeting up with Danielle and having some fun but weird laughs. All in all, good times.